klala042 Member


  • Started week 4 today- I'm off somehow so it was workout A.. Squats- increased to 60lbs and felt really good! Will probably leave them at 60 for the next workout and may increase at the end of the week. Bench - 70lbs and it's getting tough. Will likely have my hubs spot me from now on. BR- 70lbs... Surprisingly easier than…
  • Week 2 day 2 and I finally increased to a whopping 55lbs on squats! It felt good and I completed the sets fairly easy but will stay at that weight until the next week to continue with really focusing on my form and feeling more confident in it. Working up some confidence to post a video sometime soon. BP - 60lbs 5x5 BR -…
  • Another question- warm up? What does that look like for you? Has it changed over time as your lifts got heavier? I mean other than warmup lifts. Today I did 10min on the elliptical and spent 5 min doing a few different stretches. I'm wondering if I should reverse that or just leave the elliptical out all together.
  • Week one is officially done! I increased my bench press and rows but keeping squats the same for a bit longer until Im more comfortable with my form. I videoed myself doing squats and need to keep working on it. I may post a video next week in the form check for help... Going to try and do body weight squats to get the…
  • Thanks for the info! I just recently discovered goblet squats and love them! I will definitely try pausing at the bottom and breathing. I have two girls aged 2 and 9 months so I carry extra weight around all day, does that count as a "carry move" lol. Thanks for the tips, you gave me some new ideas!
  • Finished day 1 and loved it! Soo excited to see some changes after the next few months!
  • Me! I'm starting Monday! I'll be 30 in a few weeks and am hoping to lose another 25lbs of fat and gain some strength! I did some squats tonight and am sooo excited to really get started!
  • Santigold - go! And anything from their self titled album. Hall & oats- make my dreams come true Kid Cudi - pursuit of happiness
  • My daughter is ebf stil and I just log it as a straight 500 calories. However, mfp only gives me 1200 calories a day, so that plus the 500 gives me 1700 for a day. I've been losing 1-2 lbs a week if I stick to that 1700 limit. Once she starts eating solids I will probably lessen it to 350 and see how that goes. I drink at…
  • Bikini body mommy is my favorite. Quick but effective 20 min workouts.
  • Natalie is my youngest daughters name :)
  • It had me at 1200 to lose 2 lbs per week but I add breastfeeding as an exercise everyday for an extra 500 calories. If I stick to the 17-1800 a day then it works out pretty well and I lose 1.5-3 lbs a week. I'm sure it will slow down once I lose more but so far it's working.
  • Im also a (mostly) stay at home mom to 2 little girls (almost 2 and 5mo). I have lost 25 lbs so far and hope to lose another 45-50. I'm focusing on eating healthier, specifically adding more veggies to my diet, and exercising 4 times a week. I am currently nursing my 5mo old so I try and stay between 17-1800 calories a…
  • I have no friends on Jawbone! Would love some to keep me motivated and moving! My name is Kaylah Reece ( I don't think I have a picture). Edit- I added a picture, it's of me and my daughter, she's wearing pink. I added you Alison and Jen. Anyone else please feel free to find me :)
  • You can add me! I'm looking for the same. I have my diary available for my friends to see to give me more motivation too. Not that I expect people to follow it, but the idea that someone can see what I'm eating helps me to stay on track!
  • Hey! I need friends to keep me motivated too. I have about 45 lbs to lose... I've done pretty well so far and lost 13lbs just by tracking. I plan on starting to exercise again once Xmas season is over and I have more time again. Right now I'm focusing on eating healthier, especially increasing my veggie intake :). Would…
  • I just add it as an exercise everyday and have it count as 500 calories. I've found that my water intake has a bigger effect on my supply than anything else. I drink at least a gallon of water a day (usually 1.5 gal).
  • My girls are my motivation. I also have a few family members that have recently lost a hundred pounds by eating healthy and working out. They look incredible! I want to be confident this summer in a swimsuit and not be covered up. I also plan on being a surrogate in a year and want to be in great health for that journey.…