May you never miss a deadlift and drop it on the floor - daily checkin for may.



  • inka912
    inka912 Posts: 66 Member
    Today, the end of week 3:
    SQ 2x5 45lbs / 5x5 65lbs
    OHP 5x5 45lbs - barely, I thought I wasn't gonna do the last rep but yaay, I made it
    DL 1x5 45lbs / 1x5 55lbs / 1x5 105lbs

    And 45 min cycling at 16mph :smile:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    I can lift it over my head, but that's when it hurts the most.

    bruised tricep maybe? or maybe a bit of a pull. i've had bike crashes put odd hurts into me just from the velocity you're moving at when you hit. hope it gets better and you're not off biking for life.

    i'm so tired. oh man i am tired. was looking forward to today as the last day of my 5/3/1 week, but in practice i barely got through it and the ride back home took an hour and a half. the routine was:

    dl 75/95x5 to warm up, then 110/125/137 for work sets.
    press 35/40/45x5, then 50/55/62 for work sets.

    i got 3 or 4 reps for the amraps, so that covers that. did 2 negative pullups and 1 negative chin, but i was so done. and i guess i can say that i pressed 60+ pounds again, so that's kind of nice. closing back in on my previous pr for this one, but i can say for a fact that 65 won't happen this upcoming week.

    i'm so tired idk whether to just die or spend a few hours eating everything in sight first.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Sooooooo...pleased to see the squat rack was free as soon as I arrived so straight into my lifts.

    SQ 5X5 @60 kgs. Then did 1 set @62.5kgs to encourage me to move up again next week.

    OHP 5/5/3/2/0 @ 30kgs...hmmmph

    DL 1X5 @72.5kgs

    Then some seated rows, wide lat pull downs and standing curls. And 3 miles on the crosstrainer.

    Pleased with that...definitely heading back to my pre-injury range :-)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Lots of cleaning to do today. Getting the lifts in, though. Almost done!

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x120
    Bench: 2x5x45, 5x5x80
    Row: 5x5x80

    Moms in town tomorrow, time to bust a move on messes!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i rode, idk, lots of miles to get this functional movement assessment thing done at a rec centre clear across town. left both kinds of lift shoes at home cause i'm RESTING THIS WEEK REMEMBER THAT AM I LISTENING ME, and glad that i did.

    apparently my rom is fine for squats 'so you can start to add weight', snicker. hips pretty tight, gee there's a surprise in someone who hates hip and quad stretches as much as i do. sssssllliiight restriction on left shoulder, need to practice more at engaging my core gee another surprise.

    but basically there's nothing 'wrong' with me. no dramatic weakness or imbalances at any point. i got better at the quadrupedal extension tests once i actually worked out how to make them happen. so that's it and now i'm gonna do Nothing At All.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    All sounds encouraging, Canadian!

    I went to the gym today but as I lifted yesterday, I tried circuit training instead. Some things good, some not so pretty!! also did 4 miles on the crosstrainer and went for a 2 mile walk.

    Collapsed on the sofa now....must move.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Friday's workout
    Week 4/Workout B/ Total Weeks: 4

    Warm up - 2x5@ 45lbs, 1x5@ 65lbs
    Workout - 5x5 @ 100lbs - Rested 3 min between sets, but it went well. Felt good. It's definitely getting more challenging! I did stretches while waiting and it seemed to help.

    Warm up - 2x5@ 45lbs
    Workout - 5x5@ 70lbs - I was prepared to deload or use fractional plates. But, again, I made it. Very challenging on the last rep of the 3-5 sets.

    Workout - 2x5@ 140lbs - I used the Big Girl plates - 45lb plates! Woo Hoo!
    90 sec rest between sets

    Saturday's Workout
    35 min Elliptical HIIT - Warm up for 5 min, Then 1 min hard, 2 min easy. Can see progress since starting this last week. My rest rpm's are higher than before. I'm thinking of changing my HIIT routine next week to either walking or jumping rope. We'll see.

    Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    Workout, SL B

    Squat: 45lbs 2x5, 65lbs 5x5

    OHP: 45lbs 5x5

    DL: 45lbs 1x5, 95lbs 1x5, 125lbs 1x5
    Week 5/Day 10/Total Weeks 5
    Workout, SL B

    Squat: 45lbs 2x5, 65lbs 5x5

    OHP: 45lbs 5x5

    DL: 45lbs 1x5, 95lbs 1x5, 125lbs 1x5

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted over at Barbell Brigade.

    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 155
    OHP 1x10 @ 45, 3x6 @ 65
    power cleans - eh, I messed around with these. Couldn't do them with the 10 kg plates but was nice to have a platform area and the options.
    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185 and 2x3 @ 225

    It was a good place to lift. Not crowded on a Sunday, lots of equipment available and loud from the music. Got stuff done and tomorrow I fly back to Oregon.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    too tired. either an arthritis flare or the deadlift fallout.

    i did 45/50lb bench press since it's deload week, but that was all. try squats tomorrow . . . maybe.
  • Isca_1
    Isca_1 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been having this crazy hip pain on the left side. I had been working really hard on form and thought that it was just not stretching the hips out, etc. Turns out my hips were out of alignment again (really painful!) Had an adjustment on tues of last week...and was in pain until this past Sat. Was crazy. I missed most of last week, though I went on Friday and did some yoga stretches. I tried to get in some squats, no go. Way too painful. I did some barbell rows, but stopped at the 3rd set. I did get through all of the bench press at 105pds, but it felt very heavy.

    Back at it today. Feeling better, but I don't want to push it too much. Still need a couple of more adjustments.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Looks like I missed entering a workout, I can't seem to find it so I will just post both here:

    Friday, May 13th:
    Squat: 5x5 @ 125 lbs
    OHP: 5x5 @ 60 lbs
    Deadlift: 3x5 & 10x1 @ 125 lbs

    Saturday, May 14th:
    Squat: 5x5 @ 135 lbs
    BP: 5x5 @ 75 lbs
    Row: 5x5 @ 90 lbs

    I added some hip thrusts and ab exercises on Saturday too.. still feeling sore...

    Next workout is scheduled for Wednesday :)

    Happy Monday Everyone! :smiley:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    bar squats, probably 3x5 by the time i was done. never went up to the 50 because couldn't find form. going to spend the rest of the day with a lacrosse ball, beating my piriformis and pecs.
  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    edited May 2016
    Started week 4 today- I'm off somehow so it was workout A..
    Squats- increased to 60lbs and felt really good! Will probably leave them at 60 for the next workout and may increase at the end of the week.
    Bench - 70lbs and it's getting tough. Will likely have my hubs spot me from now on.
    BR- 70lbs... Surprisingly easier than I thought but will stay here until next week.

    Is it odd that my upper body weights are heavier than my squats? I'm fairly confident in my form as they feel good. I'm still working on my squat form pretty intensely. From what I can see I still lean forward a bit/have a curve in the bar path that I'm really struggling to correct
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Just finished week 1 of Strong Curves. It is a big mental shift, going from my beloved heavier weights, to lighter weights with more reps and supersets. I feel nice and sore, have felt like I can already engage my glutes better, and still have the strength-training hangries, all of which is a good sign in my mind. Plus, the sessions are shorter. Even with a long warmup and switching off with my husband, we're still wrapping everything up in about an hour. I am glad that I did stronglifts before this though, as the fundamentals of those lifts have done so much to help me learn how to properly do all these different exercises. Plus, you need a lost less equipment than for SC.

    How long did you do SC before switching? Did you stop seeing results? Do you have a goal weight? If so, how close are you? I'm curious because I've been reading the book and thinking it might be good to incorporate at least some of the hip thrust moves.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Week 5 / Workout A / Total Weeks: 5

    Warm up - 2x5 @ 45lbs, 1x3 @ 65lbs
    Work out - 5x5 @ 105 lbs

    Bench Press
    Warm up 2x5 @ 45lbs
    Work out 5x5 @ 75lbs. Form wasn't as good as last week. Will focus more next time.

    Warm up 2x5 @ 65lbs
    Workout 5x5 @ 95 lbs. This didn't suck today! It went better since I started pulling more towards my stomach and holding my back tight. And, I did 90 sec rests, too
    See you guys Wednesday!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I dragged myself to the basement this morning and forced a workout. I'm in a sulggish and weak slump right now and I'm not sure why. It was so hard, though, to lift the SAME weights I've been lifting for weeks. It was like I was just a wet noodle, cursing the day weights were invented lol. I need to be shaken...or maybe I just need a vacation.

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x120
    OHP: 2x5x45, 5x5x70
    Dead: 1x5x135

    They all sucked, but I did them. Hopefully by Thursday I'll have shaken the craptastic-ness!
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm so bad at posting in here. Today seemed really easy. I know I shouldn't say that, but it felt good. BP seemed easier as I concentrated on form. I tried a wider grip on the row and that seemed to work better.

    Week 5, Day 1

    SQ: 5x5 @ 90lbs

    BP 5x5 @ 65lbs

    Row: 5x5 @ 65lbs

    Keep up the awesome work everyone!
  • inka912
    inka912 Posts: 66 Member
    Week 4

    SQ 2x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 70lbs
    BP 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 60lbs
    ROW 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 60lbs

    Plus I started assistance today:
    Bench dips 3×10
    Seated calf raises 2x8 @ 50lbs
    Plank 3x30 sec

    And 30 min elliptical :smile:
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member

    SL's A

    Squat: 45lb warmup 2x5/75lbs 5x5

    BP: 45lb warmup 2x5/75lbs 5x5

    Row: 45lb warmup 1x5/65lbs 5x5


    Skullcrushers: 25lbs bar 3x8

    Shrugs: 2x30lb DB's 2x10