May you never miss a deadlift and drop it on the floor - daily checkin for may.

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
had to get in there before anyone else, because eric clapton. i debated with myself half the day but went ahead anyway. first day of 3's week.

bench: got my weights mixed up so i did 65/75/80 for work sets instead of 60/70/75. even so i got six for the last set at 80 pounds, so i'm pretty pleased with myself. wasn't easy, but it wasn't ugly either. i'm not only a week ahead of myself with this lift, but way over the volume i will have to do when it comes time to 'properly' bench 80 pounds. so yay \o/

squat: this was the one i was actually supposed to do 80 pounds at, so i did them. 65/75/80, and the last set was 6 reps. not totally thrilled with my form, but don't feel like it was stop-the-gym dreadful either.

bottom-up goblet squats x5 in between all the squat sets, kettlebell of, um, whatever the next weight up from 28 is.

all that after the bike ride yesterday, i feel pretty good. especially because after it was over i tried to do a standard passive glute stretch and could barely get my knee to the outside at all. clearly i'm still feeling the ride.



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice one. No deadlifts for me tonight. Just went to gym to do some accessory lifts and cardio. Tomorrow will be different too as I've never had a bikini wax, so decided to get that done just for the fun to see what it's like. Afterwards, I'm getting something from the french bakery that's nearby cause I can. Actually, one of the boy coworkers is meeting me at the french bakery as he likes it but can't get anyone in his family to go try it out. Should be an interesting day.

    Accessories and such:

    front squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 3x8 @ 85
    good morning 3x8 @ 85

    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 60
    tricep pushdown 3x8 @ 80

    face pull 3x8 @ 70
    pallor press 3x10 @ 40

    20 minutes elliptical

    Now to showers and such, then get some sleep.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    As I had no ill effects except for DOMS From lifting on Saturday, I decided my hip could take another go so did......

    SQ 5X5 @52.5kg
    BP 5X5 @37.5kg
    Row 5X5 @37.5kg

    Barbell curls 3x5@20kg
    Tricep extension 3x8@ 10kg
    Shoulder shrugs 3x8 @30KG
    Back extension 1x10@10kg
    Hanging knee raises 3x8

    Then 4 miles on the crosstrainer.

    Feeling good to be back :-D
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Nothing today or yesterday (regular rest days for me) - tomorrow = lifts. Tonight I may end up going for a walk or bike ride with my peeps, but nothing is officially planned right now.

    In other news: 1. I found a watch setting today that lets me quickly see my activity results on my Apple watch - it's been there all along, but I've favored the pretty blooming flowers or Mickey tapping his foot. Now that I've discovered the more practically functional face, I'm pretty excited. 2. I've decided to set a step goal for myself for the first time. I work out a lot, but I think I'd benefit from getting more steps in on a daily basis. So now to pick a goal and go from there :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    Can I just say - I love the title of this thread? lol :wink:
  • Isca_1
    Isca_1 Posts: 124 Member
    Heh, nice, title.
    Finally got some new sneaks on sun, was excited to try em out. Felt pretty weak today and i really had to push it. Disappointing as the weight wasn't near what it was.
    Squat 5x5@155lbs
    Bp 5x5@105pds
    Barbell row 5x5@110pds

    Hopefully, next session won't be as hard
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    Isca_1 If that is what you are lifting when you are feeling weak, wow, I'm impressed! :)

    SL's B workout for me today,

    Squat: 75lbs 5x5
    OHP: 55lbs 5x5
    DL: 115lbs 1x5
    BB Curls: 35lbs 2x8
    Calf Raises: 45lbs 3x15
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm feeling the miles in my legs! A slow 3 miles done on the crosstrainer before work. The sun is shining, so if it stays that way I hope to walk another 3 in my lunchbreak.
  • Isca_1
    Isca_1 Posts: 124 Member
    5minty - heh thanks.

    Today was off day. I have been reading a new book on lifting, and in the next couple of months going to change to that. Will be 5 days a week. So started now with 5 days. Went in, did 1x10@45pd squat, 3x10@95pds. Really working on form.
    Hit the bike, 20 mins 2 min slowish, 1.min quick. Finished with the leg press machine 3 sets of 10 @ 95pds. I like this machine!

    I really need to work on food and eating better. Lost 2pds in the last month, so very slow and slightly disappointing.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Got my lift in today, was well rested and able to add my warmup back!
    10 min/20 body movement warmup
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x120 (raised up by 5 lbs, felt fine)
    OHP: 2x5x45, 5x5x70
    Dead: 1x5x135

    Went well, the 5 lb increase on squats didn't feel too bad...maybe stay here a week or two...
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    forgot my squat shoes at home, so today's lift was decided for me:

    ohp. 55lb, with 6 in the final set. same as saturday but fine with me as i was really happy with my form this time, and that's even better than getting a couple more reps.

    shoulder/lower trap rehab: i did y's with little 3lb dumbbells and a 6-second hold at the top. also super-careful pulldowns on the double cable bar at 27.5. some very very light rowing but this stuff is about retraining myself to not engage whichever muscle's been compensating and keeps getting hurt.

    did also do 5x5 squats with my heels on small plates, but kept it at the 'accessory' weight of just 55 pounds. most of hte focus (again) on just learning to create and keep a relationship between my shouderblades and the bar which doesn't cause whatever this problem is.

    feeling good. tomorrow, deadlifts.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    I think I've missed a few workouts since I haven't posted in this thread yet.

    Monday Stronglifts B
    SQ: 3x5 at 37.5kg
    OHP: 5,5,5,5,4 at 25kg, just missed it!
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 70kg, 80kg
    HT: 5x5 at 45kg

    Goblet Squat 5x5 at 20kg
    KB Swing 10x10 at 20kg
    Alternating Press 3 x 5,4,3,2,1 at 6kg
    Band Assisted Pull up (2 bands) 3 x 5,4,3,2,1 (last set was chins)

    Wednesday Stronglifts A
    SQ: 3x5 at 40kg
    BP: 5x5 at 30kg
    BR: 5x5 at 36.5kg
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So tired... again.

    After short cashier shift last night, where I stood in one spot more than normal due to a stint shadowing in pharmacy, I went to the gym for some cardio on the treadmill. Only 20 minute jog but also some walking. Plan is to do my longer runs on Thursdays.

    Then last night happened yet again. 2nd night in 7 days of no sleep. Becoming an issue and I'm not sure what is going on. Since I was awake, I was at the gym (again) at 5:45 am for the lifting session I had originally planned to do in the early afternoon. For no sleep and such, it went okay. Couple other females there in the morning and one did some lifting with dumbbells, plate and kettle bells. For fun decided to try a higher weight than normal on sumo deadlift and used belt. I might post a couple videos on instagram during the day as I'm wondering around or sitting at Starbucks getting more coffees later in the day.

    elliptical warm up for 10 minutes

    low bar squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 3x6 @ 135 (no belt on any squats)

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x3 @ 185, 1x1 @ 205 and 3x1 @ 225 (belt on any above 200)
    PR as had previously done just 195 on sumo

    db shoulder press 3x8 @ 20

    20 minutes elliptical for fun

    Then since I made this decision last no sleep day, I followed through and had breakfast at McDonald's, which is right near the gym. Haven't eaten there in years and the thing I like from breakfast isn't served all day. mmm Mcgriddle. Went with egg whites and sausage but think next time years from now if it's still available, might just do the egg whites and no sausage. The guy seemed to struggle enough with the no cheese and change in egg so just went with the sausage. Plus, not like the calories from one sandwich is that much of an issue. Think I'm going to wander around the mall and some stores, then spend time at Starbucks. It's going to be a long day.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    Ohhhhh McDonald's breakfast, I haven't had that in years either! Can't say I haven't eaten there in years though, months yes, years no :wink:
    That stinks that you aren't able to sleep @DawnEmbers, I hope you can resolve it soon, that is the worst feeling, being tired all the time.

    SL's A

    Squat: 70lbs 5x5
    BP: 70lbs 5x5
    Row: 45lbs 5x5

    I struggled with my squat today, I was feeling very achy in all my joints yesterday and I think the after effects must have still been hanging around this afternoon. I am pleased with how my bench press is progressing! :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    every couple of years the only thing i want is a mcdonalds' cheeseburger happy meal with extra pickles . . . and a second cheeseburger thrown in. i don't think i've ever regretted going with it when i wanted it. the body wants what it wants.

    deadlift day on 3's week: 100, 115, 130. i did 120 for the middle set because short bar and too lazy to math. it worked out okay though i wasn't really super happy with the 130 set. made my three all strung together, took a short walk around the barbell and then did three more. so i'm gonna count that as six for the final set.

    accessory lifts were pendlay rows and more squats. the rows went way better than i expected, since i haven't rowed for weeks. i paid super-fanatical attention to the shoulderblade again and found 70lbs was easy enough that i felt really good about form. squats were 55lb again and i was less happy, but at least 55lb felt light so there's that.
  • klala042
    klala042 Posts: 175 Member
    edited May 2016
    Week 2 day 2 and I finally increased to a whopping 55lbs on squats! It felt good and I completed the sets fairly easy but will stay at that weight until the next week to continue with really focusing on my form and feeling more confident in it. Working up some confidence to post a video sometime soon.
    BP - 60lbs 5x5
    BR - 60lbs 5x5 - I'm starting to love these! I added in 2x5 underhand grip at the end for fun.

    Accessory moves-
    Barbell curls
    Static lunges
    Shoulder press

    @DawnEmbers - hope you can figure out the cause of insomnia soon! That's one of the worst feelings to go all day on no sleep
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    @klala042 fab job on the squats!

    It's my first time posting in here, so please forgive any errors. I just finished week 3, day 2 and did okay. I switched to high bar squats today so I had to deload my squats, but they were actually much easier (range of motion wise). After watching Alan Thrall's videos and learning the low bar squat and deadlict were the same I decided to switch it up. Also, I'm trying to move up 5lbs every other workout on the OHP, Bench and Row.

    Anyway, here's what I did:

    Week 3, Day 2 - Workout B
    SQ: 65lbs 5x5
    OHP: 50lbs 5x5
    DL: 95lbs 1x5

    Cardio: 2 miles since I'm training for a 10k next month

    Looking forward to working out with you all!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Quick post today, busy bee. Sounds like everyone's doing well, except @DawnEmbers - I hate not sleeping, it's brutal. I hope you get through it soon (my last bout was a 2 week long spotty sleep patter, it was awful).

    Yesterday, ran 2 miles on the treadmill, walked 1.
    10 minute body movement workout out (warmup)
    Squat: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x120 --- the 120 is hard, but not so hard I need to back off. I might be here a while.
    Bench: 2x5x45, 5x5x80
    Row: 5x5x80

    Going well! My daughter got up this morning and ran from zombies on the treadmill. The company was nice :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Deena_Bean that is so cute about your little gym buddy!

    I spent a week away from the gym while I closed on a house, went to Virginia to attend my bridal shower and my step-sister's wedding, and was just generally overwhelmed and exhausted. Not a good excuse but I finally got back to it last night.

    I repeated my last workout but actually did better (didn't fail on bench!)

    Squat: 5x5 @ 90 lbs
    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 lbs
    Row: 5x5 @ 75 lbs

    @canadianlbs I believe I have you to thank for the improvement on my bench press. I think you posted on another thread that you use the cue of pushing the bench down as you push the bar up. This helped me immensely so thank you!

    I also ran 2 miles outside at lunch. I have a 10k on May 30th that I'd like to do at a 9:30 pace but have a long way to go!

    Glad to be back!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    pezhed wrote: »
    @canadianlbs I believe I have you to thank for the improvement on my bench press. I think you posted on another thread that you use the cue of pushing the bench down as you push the bar up. This helped me immensely so thank you!

    i don't think it was me, but if your bench has come together for you then i'll glow for you anyway. i know how difficult bench can be when the little lightbulbs aren't on.

    i have a rest day. mmmmmmm REST.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @canadianlbs oops! You're right, it was Sumiblue. I think I just assumed it was you since you are generally so responsive when people ask for help! Thanks for the glow anyway :smiley: