May you never miss a deadlift and drop it on the floor - daily checkin for may.



  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    pezhed wrote: »
    @canadianlbs I believe I have you to thank for the improvement on my bench press. I think you posted on another thread that you use the cue of pushing the bench down as you push the bar up. This helped me immensely so thank you!

    i don't think it was me, but if your bench has come together for you then i'll glow for you anyway. i know how difficult bench can be when the little lightbulbs aren't on.

    i have a rest day. mmmmmmm REST.

    It was Sumiblue as I used it too and it helped so much! :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yay sleep. Even with all of the caffeine I had yesterday, I managed to get around 12 hours of sleep as I stayed in bed late since it's another day off from work.

    I actually never eat McDonald's. Growing up, the closest one was an hour away. Plus, in general, I don't care for fast food burgers. I prefer spicy chicken sandwich and/or nuggets from Wendy's (which I think the chicken nuggets are better there than McD's).

    Yesterday was kind of odd food wise and rather random but also carb based, oddly enough. I had the McDonald's and ended up having a coffee cake along with soy latte when I did get to Starbucks in the afternoon. I also ate a fair amount of fruit. Banana at Starbucks but also later on an apple, thick circle slice of pineapple and a fruit cup from Safeway (berries and mango chunks). I may be okay with blueberries now, which I didn't care for them before. Since I didn't want to sit around exhausted all day, I instead walked. I spent a few hours in a mall but only purchased a cold brew coffee. I tortured myself by going in the delicious looking candy shop that had so many gummies, creative chocolate bars, marshmallows and neat/beautiful truffles. Then I went in William & Sonoma, so cooking stuff I want but can't afford and don't have room for at all in apartment with all the roommates. I also walked around Fred Meyer, then later after a short nap that was less than 2 hours,Target, Walmart and Safeway. Got some powerade, drank a small one that did have calories (more liquid calories than usual during this day) and ended up getting over 20,000 steps for the day. Unusual for a day that didn't involve work or a long run. So, I walked a lot. Didn't track all and eh, it was a rough day and just not concerned at the total. It'll be fine. I'm looking forward to doing light tracking in LA as I do feel the tracking food, worrying about macros, it can be a little tiring all of the time, whether dealing with insomnia or not. Even on bulk, will have to keep track but it's good to take little breaks sometimes.

    Rambling aside. Today I just did a short run and some walking outside at the park. Legs were a little tired but not bad otherwise. It was mid-day and rainy yesterday made for a humid day today with the warmth. Cardio will be in the morning very soon when I start the half marathon training. In fact, most workouts (unfortunately) will be shifted to early day, but I think once I pick a program, that will work the best so I can write/decompress/read and sleep. Workouts after work then trying to run early the next morning was a struggle last year and trying to not go that route this time.

    Working on youtube video editing and should have the powerlifting meet up soon. At long last. :wink:
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Stronglifts this morning, kind of had to drag myself out of bed, but didn't think I'd get time tonight. Cold (almost) winter mornings, and my hubby not having to leave for work so early has made it harder to bounce out of bed. I also need to get to sleep a bit earlier.

    SQ: 3x5 at 40kg.
    OHP: 4,5,3,4,4 at 25kg. Deloading again. Unfortunately didn't make it past my previous deload. I may need to review form.
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 72.5kg. 1x4 at 82.5kg.
    HT: 5x5 at 50kg.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Managed to get in the weights room before work...still working back up to previous weights but all going well....

    SQ 5X5 @ 55kg
    OHP 5X5 @ 25kg
    DL 1X5@67.5kg

    Plus BP 2x5@37.5kg
    Plus 2x 60 second planks

    Then a two mile walk.

    I was told by the uber strong lady that was working in with me today that I had really good depth to my squats. Was nice to hear!
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Isca_1 wrote: »
    5minty - heh thanks.

    Today was off day. I have been reading a new book on lifting, and in the next couple of months going to change to that. Will be 5 days a week. So started now with 5 days. Went in, did 1x10@45pd squat, 3x10@95pds. Really working on form.
    Hit the bike, 20 mins 2 min slowish, 1.min quick. Finished with the leg press machine 3 sets of 10 @ 95pds. I like this machine!

    I really need to work on food and eating better. Lost 2pds in the last month, so very slow and slightly disappointing.

    What's the new book?
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Haven't lifted yet this week :( .. It is so hard to try and work it in every week. I just want to be able to go to the gym and lift 3 times a week. It just depends on how my 2.5 year old is feeling. I have exactly one month to my birthday and I am going to try this again, one day at a time. Every year on my birthday I try to make it a goal to be in better shape and health by my next birthday and I have yet been able to make that goal. So my goal for the next 30 days is to eat clean and healthy, log everything I eat and get some sort of exercise in EVERY day.

    Today is day #1 and I will start lifting again but will deload to the following:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 115lbs
    Deadlift: 3x5 @ 115lbs
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50lbs
    Thigh Abductor: 3x15 @ 145lbs

    Happy Friday Everyone!! :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @DawnEmbers tracking all the time is definitely exhausting, and I think giving yourself a break every now and then is perfectly acceptable! I hope you can start sleeping well again soon!
    @Italiana_xx79 It's hard to imagine getting much working out in with a child! My boss was telling us this morning that he can't even get 5 minutes in the shower to himself :smile:

    Yesterday I ran 1 mile to the gym and did shoulder exercises and ran 1 mile back. Harder workout than I thought it would be!

    Today I did SL Workout B. I was a little disappointed because the app had me deload 10% since it had been more than a week since I'd logged a workout. It's fine though. It's just that I hadn't made it very far! I realized, though, that I don't have any time goals with this thing so whatever. Just have to do a better job getting to the gym than I did last week!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 80lbs
    OHP: 5/5/4/4/5 @ 45lbs THIS ONE MAKES ME HAPPY! It was the best I've done so far with SL! I think the accessory shoulder exercises are helping!
    Deadlift: 1x5 @ 115lbs
    Then some rotator cuff and tricep exercises to keep strengthening my shoulders and that whole vicinity.

    This weekend I think my only real exercise is going to be moving. Gotta finish moving stuff into the new house. It's supposed to be rainy anyway. Happy weekend everyone!
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    @pezhed, what app do you use? I have the SL and Jefit. I like the Jefit one because I can add alternate workouts if the machines are in use at the gym or I can add a couple of other exercises to my normal 5x5 but I can not figure out how to set my Jefit to allow me to do more than 3 sets per exercise. I like the SL one better but I can not add alternate exercises to that app unless I pay for it, which I might eventually just do since it's my favorite so far.

    I am wondering what everyone else uses? :)
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    edited May 2016
    pezhed wrote: »

    OHP: 5/5/4/4/5 @ 45lbs THIS ONE MAKES ME HAPPY! It was the best I've done so far with SL! I think the accessory shoulder exercises are helping!
    Deadlift: 1x5 @ 115lbs
    Then some rotator cuff and tricep exercises to keep strengthening my shoulders and that whole vicinity.

    Fabulous job on the OHP! what accessory shoulder exercises are you doing? I'm having trouble with the OHP too. Keep up the great work and dont get down. Youre improving each time you do the workout.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Also, I was wondering for those of you who do the OHP, which stance do you prefer? Sitting or standing? I liked standing but I usually use the one that requires you to sit when I do not have a spotter. I can feel my abs better when I am standing but if the gym is full and I am all by myself, I have to use the one that requires you to sit.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 I just use the SL app. I am really only working this program using the olympic barbell, and I just don't track the other things there. It would be nice to track it all one place but I love hitting those circles and having it count my rest for me! Also I stand for the OHP and use the olympic barbell. I was reading all about form on the SL website this morning and he mentions that you are not likely to drop the bar on your head since when you fail you just lower it back to your shoulders. But I'm lifting the empty bar at this point so I can't really say anything :) I HAVE failed a lot though and have been in no danger of dropping the bar. I find bench press way scarier without a spotter.

    @amyj000 Thanks for the cheers! I am doing these internal and external rotations for my rotator cuff:
    I also do TRX rows, high and low, and these Y-W things (Y=arms out and up, W=arms down and back pushing shoulders together) while leaning back in the TRX handles. I broke my collarbone in September in a bike accident and have a bunch of shoulder-specific exercises my trainer gave me for rehab, so they are really coming in handy now that the goal is more than "I don't want to be lopsided!".
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i always stayed on my feet for presses. guess im thinking that if i lose it somehow during a rep, being on my feet makes me mobile enough to get away from the bar.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    SL's A

    Squat: 75lbs 5x5
    OHP: 45lbs 5x5
    DL: 45lbs 1x5, 95lbs 1x5, 125lbs 1x5
    BB Curl: 35lbs 2x8
    Calf Raises: 45lbs 3x15

    I finally went to the ortho for the very bad pain I have in my shoulder/bicep, turns out I apparently have a tear in my bicep/tendon? where it attaches the rotator cuff, no wonder it hurt so bad doing OHP's! So deloaded right down to the empty bar for OHP while waiting for the MRI, just one more injured area that I have to be aware of :-/ sighhhhhhhhh!!!

    @Italiana_xx79 I use the SL's app, I broke down and paid the $9.99 for the premium!
    I like being able to tap on the circles as I go and having the history on there and to somewhat customize my workouts :-) oh and I also stand for OHP's if I can keep doing them!
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    @5minty - I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder! I hope it heals fast and you don't injure it further. I may have to break down and get the premium!

    @pezhed - I am going to try and stand again tonight for my OHP. I find it easier using my whole body to help once it gets harder when I am standing vs when I and sitting. I also find the bench press extremely scary without a spotter. I tried once but I almost dropped it on myself so I won't ever do that again, lol! I have seen people use the smith machine at the gym to help but I don't have the strength to drag over a bench to put underneath of it.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 - I have never tried sitting for OHP. I tend to do it in the squat rack and could drop in worse case scenario but usually I can tell if I'm not going to be able to push it up so just give up and rack it. I've failed out bench a number of times now and always do it without a spotter. Pretty much, I just set the bar on my chest and do the roll of shame, which I think we have video posted somewhere of that move or you can search it on youtube. It can help to practice with light weight or you can bench in the cage/squat rack. My current gym doesn't have a regular bench, so I have to bench in the rack there, which I don't like much. The safeties do help since I lift when no one is even in the gym but still. Though if it's something you just really don't like and you have a spotter, that's fine too of course.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 I do OHP standing. I never have a spotter because I workout at home. I'm not worried about it, because with OHP if I am going to fail I can't lift the bar (my sticking point is about half way up), so there is never any worry of it dropping on me. I just re-rack it at that point. Worst case I could just drop it in front of me.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    8 mile bike ride this morning, lifting tomorrow. Gorgeous outside tonight, just blissful!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    time got away from me, drove to trainer and was 15 mins late even so. bench was 60, 65, 77, and squats were experimental. still feeling really idk, tight or something although there seems to be a real ton of muscle going on in my legs. cut the squats off at 60lbs and moved on with my day.

    5-3-1 week starts tomorrow with 60lb as the highest press weight, and prolly more squats. idk how the lifting is going per se, but i do seem to be just ravenous atm.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Last night's lifts:

    De-loaded weights
    Squats: 5x5 @ 115lbs
    OHP: 5x5 @ 55lbs (standing with no issues :smiley: )
    Deadlift: 3x10 @ 125
    Thigh Abductor: 3x15 @ 145lbs

    I had no problem with my weights last night. My victory moment was being able to pick the 125lbs off of the floor, bicep curl it up and re-rack it to take the weights off! The entire time I was doing my deadlifts, I was worried about how I would be able to take the weights off of the bar. I usually do 165lbs but I was by myself and it's hard to slide the 45's off of the bar when it is sitting on the floor. My husband usually just lifts and re-racks it so we can slide them off, but I was by myself last night and I can't lift 165lbs up to my chest, lol! Anyways, it was a small victory but I am proud of myself! :smiley:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today, it was so nice out that I decided to see how long it would take me to walk to one of the grocery stores in the area. There are two at that distance and the gym is next to one of the, so was a good little test. Took me around 45 minutes in the heat. Technically over 45 but I stopped at a store along the way to get a little bottle of water. Then walked around grocery store, got another little bottle of water, headed back and stopped at little coffee place for an iced coffee. Nice little walk. Going to gym after work as I have a shorter, 6 hour shift tonight.

    Also, I finally posted the meet video up on youtube. It's on the channel and I called it Dawn of Power, just for fun. :-) Will have to post links in a few places soon. Going to let family see it but have to warn them about youtube cause no comments really yet but some day, them internet comments will appear. Happy to have people see it though at long last.

    Now to leave early for work as I got asked to do an errand before going in. Maybe I'll also get a coffee. mmm coffee