Thank you ladies!
crap this is confusing haha I guess that the most important thing is keeping my calories in line right now- you're right! Thanks everyone! I guess I will just keep doing what I am doing and if I'm not losing regularly then I will switch things up!
I'm trying to lose weight if that changes anything! I asked this as a status as well and I think the overall consensus is that 79 grams is my max I should be eating per day- Man I guess I gotta cut out some of the chicken I am eating haha Thanks everyone!
girls night!
Ok thanks everyone! I know I am not trying to wear myself out like 64crayons was saying- that's why I think I will take it easy and just be walking- I do have a lot to lose- but I feel like I can actually do a lot- walking and stuff isn't hard for me- I go out dancing quiet often- I just don't really log that kind of stuff…
sweet guy
i'd be friends :) lol
yaaaaas accept
so cute it hurts!
No, but anyone who wants to chat, I could use some motivation right now!
I'm looking for friends and people to keep me motivated!!