Teresa502 Member


  • @quilteryoyo - Which show did you see at the Barter? @Scott6255 - You ran hard this weekend which probably explains why today's run was hard. Hoping you get some Fall weather soon! @SummerSkier - I agree with your theory about our pace slowing as we age. I'm sure there are exceptions to that rule but I'm not one of them!
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Oct 10 – 5.01 miles Oct 13 – 10.09 miles Oct 15 – 5.02 miles Oct 16 – 1 mile Oct 17 – 5.69 miles Oct 19 – 11.11 miles Oct 21 – 5.12 miles Oct 22 – 4.01 miles Total 72.88 miles/Goal 80 miles Good morning people! Hope everyone is…
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Oct 10 – 5.01 miles Oct 13 – 10.09 miles Oct 15 – 5.02 miles Oct 16 – 1 mile Oct 17 – 5.69 miles Oct 19 – 11.11 miles Oct 21 – 5.12 miles Total 68.87 miles/Goal 80 miles Another 5 miles this morning. The temp was great at 43F and…
  • Congratulations @Scott6255 and @AlphaHowls! Well done to both of you!
  • Good luck @Scott6255 and @AlphaHowls! Looking forward to your race reports and seeing some bling!
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Oct 10 – 5.01 miles Oct 13 – 10.09 miles Oct 15 – 5.02 miles Oct 16 – 1 mile Oct 17 – 5.69 miles Total 52.64 miles/Goal 80 miles Ran under a beautiful, bright moon this morning but it was chilly at 35F. I wore a long shirt,…
  • It was wet, cold and windy this morning so I did an upper body weight workout and ran 1 mile on the treadmill. @polskagirl01 - so good to hear to from you and to see you and your giant pumpkin! Congrats on the 100-day streak @tarun_yadavA!
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Oct 10 – 5.01 miles Oct 13 – 10.09 miles Oct 15 – 5.02 miles Total 45.95 miles/Goal 80 miles About a tenth of a mile into my run this morning, I realized I forgot to put my Noxgear vest on so we made a u-turn back to the car to…
  • A friend and I ran 10 miles this morning. She had a bicycle wreck yesterday and looked pretty rough but even with a splint on her hand that has a hairline fracture, she still came and outran me! It was a nice, crisp morning. The sun was shining and it was 45F at the beginning. @quilteryoyo - Sorry about the fall but glad…
  • I can’t resist a good deal!
  • Took my mom shoe shopping today and somehow I ended up with two new pairs of running shoes. I really don’t need any now but they were 30% off so I couldn’t resist. Always good to have some in reserve!
  • Nice shoes and food pics @tarun_yadavA! Also love the pic of you and wifey! Lovely!
  • @sarahmartaindale Sorry you are struggling with the speed workouts right now but give yourself some grace. If you are feeling low on energy, your body could be diverting its energy to fighting off a cold or something else. Maybe it was just a crappy run day. We all have those. Don't give up on your goal!
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Oct 10 – 5.01 Total 30.84 miles/Goal 80 miles I met 3 friends this morning for 5 miles. Another cool morning with the temp at 45F. I actually broke out a long sleeved shirt for today’s run! @tarun_yadavA – Enjoy your fun filled…
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Oct 9 – 4.08 miles Total 25.83 miles/Goal 80 miles This morning we headed to the local middle school track for intervals. One of our non-running friends joined us to walk and unfortunately, I did more walking and talking on the recoveries than…
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles Oct 4 – 3.10 miles Oct 6 – 9.08 miles Oct 8 – 5.11 miles Total 21.75 miles/Goal 80 miles I ran 5 miles with a friend this morning. It was a nice cool 46F. I tweaked my back a bit on Sunday lifting cases of water so my run was more of a shuffle today. I’ve been busy with work and trying to help out with…
  • @quilteryoyo - Let me know how you like the new model of the Brooks Adreniline. My running friend S is trying to decide if she is going to keep the pair she just got or send them back. She said they were heavy and had too much cushioning. @AmunahSki - If you have room for it, I would definitely check out the used treadmill…
  • Oct 1 – 4.46 miles My goal for October will be 80 miles. I ran with a friend this morning who is coming back from a fall where she pulled her hamstrings in both legs. It was slow but we got to chat a lot! My electricity was restored Sunday evening and compared to all the devastation and destruction around me, it was just a…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Sept 14 – 3.16 miles Sept 18 – 6.02 miles Sept 19 – 4.01 miles Sept 21 – 9.01 miles Sept 23 – 4.25 miles Sept 25 – 5.06 miles Sept 29 – 4.04 miles Sep 30 – 5.01 miles…
  • Sending you a big hug @AlphaHowls. @Scott6255. So sorry about your brothers fall. I hope he gets better soon.
  • I made it home late yesterday with just a small delay. We have trees down from the wind every where. Minimal flooding though. My entire county and surrounding areas are without power. Right now they are estimating restoration at 11:00 pm on Tuesday. Compared to the destruction in Erwin and in that area that you mentioned I…
  • I'm in Palm Beach for work and I could not bring myself to go outside and run this morning. It is very windy (we were under a tornado watch earlier) but so warm and humid. Currently 89F with a real feel of 101F. This Virginia girl is not used to this stuff! So, I went to the gym and used the elliptical for 30 minutes.…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Sept 14 – 3.16 miles Sept 18 – 6.02 miles Sept 19 – 4.01 miles Sept 21 – 9.01 miles Sept 22 – 4.25 miles Total 54.95 miles I ran 4.25 miles from home this morning which…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Sept 14 – 3.16 miles Sept 18 – 6.02 miles Sept 19 – 4.01 miles Sept 21 – 9.01 miles Total 50.70 miles It was a nice 60F when my friend and I started our run this…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Sept 14 – 3.16 miles Sept 18 – 6.02 miles Sept 19 – 4.01 miles Total 41.69 miles I ran 4 miles this morning around my office complex. Boring but usually pretty safe…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Sept 14 – 3.16 miles Sep 18 – 6.02 miles Total 37.68 miles The full moon was so beautiful this morning. Garmin says it was 64F when we started our run at 5:00 am this…
  • Was planning to run this morning but it was pouring rain and everyone else cancelled so I did a HiiT workout at home instead. I hope that you are better soon @WarmJellyFish. Sending you big hugs @kgirlhart. @Scott6255 - You are being too hard on yourself. I've seen your paces and distances on Strava and you are doing…
  • Yes, and I love that area! Unaka has what some refer to as the Emerald Forest because there are tall pine trees with a carpet of brilliant, green moss underneath. Will you be running on the AT? All of the NOBO thru-hikers will have already passed that section and it's probably a little early for the SOBOs to be hitting it…
  • @AlphaHowls - I have a Garmin Forerunner 245 music (I rarely use the music feature). I have never tried to turn off the GPS feature but have found it to be mostly accurate. You can always ignore it. I have the Garmin Connect app downloaded on my phone and it gives me a summary of the running info (time, pace, cadence,…
  • Sept 1 – 2.03 miles Sept 2 – 3.00 miles Sept 4 – 3.00 miles Sept 5 – 4.00 miles Sept 8 – 4.42 miles Sept 10 – 5.65 miles Sept 12 – 6.40 miles for @shanaber Total 28.50 miles My running buddy canceled on me last minute but it turned out good because instead of the normal 5 miles, I kept going to get 6.4 miles in memory of…