smelliefeet Member


  • Yes I understand, and that's all very useful information but it is still a conundrum to me as I'm not sure how I would have gained almost 17 lbs of muscle mass (high end) and even 10 lbs (low end) when I haven't been lifting weights in the past two years (I just started in January)
  • So if I'm 3:1 ratio, and I'm only 5'3" 185 lb woman, technically "obese" I really don't understand my results. Apparently my lean body mass to fat ratio is quite healthy, but I'm clearly over weight. That's the only reason I was pointing to either a major error in testing of both times I had body fat tested OR a medical…
  • Interesting, so that means I gained a lot of muscle or I'm holding onto 10 lbs of water? I don't really lift weights. I mean, machines at the gym and I have dumb bells at home where I'll do curls with my 8lb or squats while holding my 12 lbs but nothing excruciating. Would that make me gain ~5 lbs of muscle per year?
  • How do you get the extra 6 lb of fat? I am down in total body fat percentage (about 1% less) from 2014 even though I gained 22 lbs.
  • I'm legitimately insulted when I bring up to anyone that I'm losing weight via calorie counting / exercise and overhauling my diet, and they tell me I look great the way I am and don't need to lose any weight. I literally want to punch them in the face. I'm 30.1% body fat currently, if I were 25% body fat and saying "uhhgg…
  • I'm addicted to their full-fat coconut milk in the can. I'm lactose intolerant, so I'm loving the fact that I have a delicious substitute for so many things now!
  • I eat at LEAST two whole hard boiled eggs every day. Up to 5 sometimes.
  • I became lactose intolerant in my early-20s and I immediately switched to soy milk... within the year I also obtained a soy allergy. I wasn't even consuming much. At this point in my life, I don't drink (almond, rice, cows, soy etc...) milk at all but I DO occasionally add coconut milk to my coffee!
  • Is it as satisfy as the real thing?? This may help me not overeat by 250 calories of peanut butter daily!! I love that stuff.
  • Eat what makes you feel good, don't eat what makes you feel bad. It's as simple as that. For example - I'm not gluten intolerant but I have more energy now that I don't eat wheat or added-sugar products. I also get severe stomach pains when I eat quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) It's a grain, and everyone tells me how healthy…
  • Depends on your body. For example - I lose my appetite when I exercise. If I do weights in the morning/cardio at night or vice/versa, I don't eat as much because of the result exercise has on my appetite. As a result, I increase exercise AND I eat at a calorie deficit (about 1500 cals a day) I have heard the opposite from…
  • Congratulations!! Can I just say... I love your eyebrows. Can I have your eyebrows? :)
  • Amazing! You're an inspiration!!
  • I love everyone who replied to this thread. You have helped me greatly! Onward!
  • 450-550. Only because there's avocado and sauce - and who knows what's in the sauce.
  • Personally, I reach (and sometimes surpass) my carbohydrate AND sugar max and I purposefully avoid foods with added sugar and any foods containing wheat. And, even with those restrictions, I go over my calories too. It's really easy for me to eat a lot I guess. I'm a chronic overeater even if it's just like... a heap of…
  • I don't actually own a scale. I weighed myself in 2015 and I was 180, that's the highest weight I've ever seen on a scale in my life. I weighed myself earlier this year and I was 170-ish. The lowest has been 125, as recently as 2011. I have plenty of "small" clothes I expect to fit into again someday, so I'll just be…
  • It's really comforting to know that this happens to lots of people. It sounds like it's not actually a problem - it's just something that happens sometimes and it's largely unavoidable. Bodies are mysterious things!
  • 1. My first inclination was dehydration, but I drink lots of water on a regular basis and my pee is clear! 2. I prefer eating on an empty stomach but if I have to wait until the afternoon to run, I also wait at least two hours to run after I eat. 3. THIS is actually accurate sounding. Like I said, the majority of what I…
  • I am going to have to flatly disagree. I eat A LOT of fruits and veggies daily. Like, that's the basis of my entire diet. If I eat an egg or some yogurt or tunafish, there's always a fruit / several veggies I eat alongside it. I eat celery almost every day, even if I may not log it (tryin' my best). I don't know that I…
  • Let me add - I am TOTALLY regular! I go #2 the same time each morning and a very good consistency... haha. And I usually go 1-2 times a day, totally normal. That's why these exercise emergencies are alarming to me.
  • Definitely do what is right for you and your body! I have a slightly different perspective: I've always been lactose intolerant, so I've never eaten dairy. I've also never eaten fast food or drank soda (or what is considered "junk food" for that matter) and guess what? I still became obese! You can become obese by eating…
  • Weigh with food scale 100% of the food that enters my mouth. At least for a solid 6 months so I can get the hang of how much I'm supposed to be eating for my size.
  • How few calories you truly can live on (especially as a short female such as myself). And how few calories I personally need to consume for months on end in order to lose the weight I want to lose. When I was obese (I'm still overweight) I NEVER thought I ate too much. I didn't even think I ate a lot. Turns out, I was…
  • Fighting my own thoughts. I have only been tracking for 10 days (this time around) yet there's a voice in my head saying "just eat more - this isn't working - you're not making progress anyway - who cares?!" Telling that voice to shut up and sit down is the hardest thing ever - it has won many times in the last 3 years. I…
  • You're an inspiration!! I'm just at the beginning of my journey, but I will be happy if I can be half as successful as you have been in my next 140 days! I would LOVE to be able to wear shorts again!!!
  • Never, I don't own a scale. I measure my arms/waist/hips/thighs on the 11th of every month with a tape measure. I do weigh my food every second of every day though!! :wink:
  • Yes, I use medical cannabis. I found a specific strain the eases pain, gives no "munchies" or dry mouth and does not make me drowsy if I take the appropriate dose. It helps with the pain just enough so I can get a really solid workout in on the days I am experiencing migraine which for me is usually 3 days each month on…