Gluten free diet

For many years I have suffered with stomach problems. After doing some research this morning i have noticed that a lot of my symptoms seem to fit in with gluten intolerances. I plan on eliminating gluten from my diet to see how I feel.

I have read that meats, fruit and veg are all fine...however I have been surprised to see that rice is ok. I eat brown rice...will this be ok to eat?

I love my oats so plan to buy some gluten free oats today.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    Investigate what gluten is and where it is found. Oats and rice don't contain gluten naturally, but it can be contaminated if it's been processed in a facility that also processes wheat, rye or barley, so when you're just suspecting gluten intolerance, now, as an adult, you'll probably take no ill effect from eating ordinary oats/rice. Buckwheat is both naturally and by design gluten free, because it's processed using equipment that can't be used for other grains.

    Be aware that a proper diagnosis is made by blood tests, and reintroducing gluten after being off it for a while can be horrible, if you are indeed allergic/intolerant.

    Also be aware that foods marked "gluten free" have a bigger price tag.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    If you think gluten is an issue, order a blood test ASAP as otherwise you will have to go back later and eat gluten for 6 weeks in order to get tested again.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    You need to see a GI to rule out other diseases like celiac disease, and IBD before going gluten free.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2016
    If you think gluten is an issue, do you research. See what all gluten is in (like many sauces).
    It's true, you'd need to HAVE gluten in your system before seeing a GI doc. But you could do an elimination diet, see how you feel, reintroduce it, and then see the doc.

    But again: you need to know what foods HAVE gluten. Rice isn't/doesn't have gluten, for example.

    I had tummy pains and bowel issues for years. I tried going gluten free. It helped. But it turned out it was a more general issue with starchy foods (i.e. gluten free breads caused the same problem, but soy sauce didn't). I saw the GI doc before all this. He, of course, suggested more grains. ha.

    Now I eat *some* grains, and find that I can handle certain ones better than others. I stick with what I know, now. Magnesium supplements also make things a lot more comfortable for me.

    Good luck.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Is this because someone suggested going gluten free in your other thread?

    As said in your other thread, multiple times, go see an gastroenterologist and stop guessing.
  • smelliefeet
    smelliefeet Posts: 71 Member
    Eat what makes you feel good, don't eat what makes you feel bad. It's as simple as that.

    For example - I'm not gluten intolerant but I have more energy now that I don't eat wheat or added-sugar products.

    I also get severe stomach pains when I eat quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) It's a grain, and everyone tells me how healthy it is. Not for me.

    Everyones body is different, determine what you feel good eating, and eat a lot of that. Limit the things that don't make you feel so great.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    spitapot81 wrote: »
    For many years I have suffered with stomach problems. After doing some research this morning i have noticed that a lot of my symptoms seem to fit in with gluten intolerances. I plan on eliminating gluten from my diet to see how I feel.

    I have read that meats, fruit and veg are all fine...however I have been surprised to see that rice is ok. I eat brown rice...will this be ok to eat?

    I love my oats so plan to buy some gluten free oats today.

    why would you think rice would have gluten? gluten is present in wheat products.

    personally, i'd go see a could be any number of things unrelated to gluten.
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm going to agree with getting a blood test to discover if you are actually coeliac, cutting gluten is a complete pain to do if you don't need to. Eat as normal until the blood test.
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    Also cutting gluten won't help you lose weight, coeliacs actually have trouble gaining weight because their colon doesn't absorb nutrients.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    spitapot81 wrote: »
    For many years I have suffered with stomach problems. After doing some research this morning i have noticed that a lot of my symptoms seem to fit in with gluten intolerances. I plan on eliminating gluten from my diet to see how I feel.

    I have read that meats, fruit and veg are all fine...however I have been surprised to see that rice is ok. I eat brown rice...will this be ok to eat?

    I love my oats so plan to buy some gluten free oats today.

    As others said, please get tested before going GF otherwise you will need to resume eating gluten for 2-3 months in order to get accurate tests... or as accurate as they can be (they tend to miss up to 25% of all celiacs).

    Rice is fine. A good haldf of all celiacs can not eat any oats, even certified GF oats, so I would skip those.

    Good luck.