LaurieLynn62 Member


  • Lisa - I used to work out at 5:30 every morning but then I developed back problems and the only thing that seemed to work was moving my workout time to the afternoon. But with that said, I could definitely start walking in the morning and lift in the afternoon. Scheduling workouts is a great idea. I just need to stop…
  • Good morning! I'm tired just trying to keep up with all of the activities y'all are doing! I totally understand about the lack of "gal pals". Since my husband has started working in another State, I have found that I really don't have anyone to socialize with. When I lived in Idaho and Nevada, most of my social time was…
  • Happy Monday! I usually stay off the computer on weekends as I spend way too much time on it at work so I was only able to skim through the posts from the weekend. I was a bit shocked when I opened up the thread and it said "166 new"! After the best of plans last week, I got sidelined by a headache on Friday and lack of…
  • Hi all! I've been using MFP off and on for years. I'm 57 and had lost 25 pounds about 7 years ago. I managed to keep it off until a little over a year ago when it started creeping back on (thank you menopause and injuries). I was considering WW but wanted to give being active in a group for accountability and logging daily…