

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    morning ladies~
    I got lots and lots of rest.. hopefully the resting will help
    feel much better , still have a little twinge but nothing like yesterday.
    have some waterless shampoo im going down and use it on Chester and brush him out, try and do that every day..
    brush him out I mean, taking down some dog food with gravy he might like
    gonna feed DFIL and I have the nest 2 days off, so will try and organize my storage unit here and put the summer stuff away
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Love my female friends, but I'm short of them in Hove. I keep in touch through email etc and try to make the effort to see them. My closest friend died this year, but I do see my Portsmouth friend every month or so. I made two friends in our last house, through yoga, and they've both been to see me here a couple of times. I think it gets harder to make new, good friends as you get older, so I do treasure my old ones. You have to work at it.

    My son has done something to the window upstairs and it won't shut, or open. Nice and draughty! Grrrrrrrrrr! Don’t know what to do about it. It's old double glazing. I will have to stuff something into it for our next guests. That's the second window that's failed. :'(

    I hardly slept last night. The pre-holiday anxiety has begun. I am going to make a start on the fiddly bits of packing this pm as that will help me.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Viv - It's been hideous here as well! :s Absolute downpour!
    Like you I have been fortunate to have had close girlfriends separately from any couples relationship. My mother was the same. She had close female friends all her life. We did have a few couple friends, but it was rare that I liked the husband. I kept up with my girlfriends through both my marriages. I'm so glad I did. Men come and go, but girlfriends stick. I was very sad to lose my cancer friend this year, but she is still with me in spirit. I often look at a video I took of her, sitting on the sofa and talking. A treasure. <3 I also love the few things I have that belonged to her. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Thank you all. :):heart:

    Regarding eating ... I'm a bit like Barbie. I eat at certain times as follows. However, I will, at times, eat an extra crackers and cheese (100 cal) if I'm feeling "off" and really need to focus at work. I did today!
    Machka9 wrote: »
    This is my usual work day ... quick & convenient ...

    11:45 am snack - crackers & cheese or a banana - 100 cals


    2:00 pm lunch - rice, chicken, veg - 337 cals


    3:30 pm snack - yogurt (175 grams) - 73 cals


    4:30 pm snack - either apple (or other fruit) or crackers & cheese - 100 cals

    Sub-total: 610 cals

    7:00 pm dinner - lots of veg + something else - usually about 400 cals, but occasionally more. Once in a while even as much as 700 cal!

    Sub-total: 1010 cals

    And then a couple evening snacks around 8:30 pm and 11 pm. :) These might depend on how much exercise I've done and how many calories I've got to work with. These snacks will usually be yogurt, fruit, whole grain rye crackers maybe with a tiny bit of cheese, ice cream bar ... that sort of thing.

    This works for me ... most of the time. :)

    Regarding pets ... I've had cats, and love cats, and yes, we'd like to get a cat.
    But I will need to talk to our rental agency about it to see if they'd allow us to have a cat.
    But ... it's hard for me to put my finger on why I'm hesitating ... I guess it's uncertainty. I expect we'll stay where we are for a few more years because my husband can't go anywhere anyway, and I need to finish my degree, but this is not our forever home. When we move, then what?

    trucker743 wrote: »
    For the rest of you, how important is that to you if you’re leading a settled life?
    Regarding girlfriends ... I think the last really close friendship I had with a female friend was in my early 20s. I've had several casual or short-term friendships but the difficulty with a close friendship is that you've got to spend some time together whether in person or on the phone or whatever ... and I'm just not comfortable with that nor do I have the time. So ... it's not important to me.

    Regarding camping ... I used to enjoy it and do it fairly regularly. I like being out in nature for long periods of time and I've done a number of cycling tours where I camped most of the nights.

    But as I've gotten older, I've come to appreciate a good mattress.

    In 2012 we cycled (and took the train or a ferry sometimes) around Europe ... and a few other parts of the world. We were planning to camp, but it was a very rainy summer that year in the UK, so we ended up in B&Bs and then when we got to The Netherlands and Germany, we started staying in small hotels. Most of them had great beds ... better than the one we had at home.

    Many months later we set up our bed in a house (for 6 months), and it just wasn't all that comfortable. So 6 months later when we put our stuff back into storage and moved, we decided to use a large air mattress on a frame figuring it might be better. It wasn't. So we got a proper European-style king-sized bed with mattresses that suited each of us. Now, we travel and I often look forward to going home and getting back into MY bed! :)

    Regarding moving/travelling ... I think Lisa and I have compared notes with number of moves. I've got nomad blood in me!! :smiley:

    ydailey wrote: »
    Machka - Do you think a trike or recumbent bike might be easier for your husband to manage or would the left leg still be a bit of a challenge?
    -Yvonne in TX

    He's all right cycling an upright 2-wheeler ... his limitation there is fatigue.

    Where he struggles with the left leg is walking because he's a bit uncertain of where it is. If he rushes, he can mis-step and trip. He's particularly unstable going down stairs or down hills.

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    edited September 2019
    Good morning!

    - you look fabulous. Love that outfit :) Neat party and hubby, by the way. <3

    Beth - that list of the 5 types of hunger was interesting. I think I dive right into the the "limbic hunger" stage when it comes to finding sugary snacks after supper, especially after eating well-balanced meals all day being getting filled up. I need to do some introspection as to why this part of my primitive appetite is so easily switched on these days. And figure out how to switch it off. Will research this more. Thank you!! (Edit - I do have Herring's book, will pull it off the shelf!)

    Rho - my fiber go-to's are Ezekial bread (if I want the carbs), fresh/raw fruits & veggies, and the star of the show....avocadoes. Super high in healthy fat, have some carbs, but for low-carbers, the fiber nearly cancels that out. I eat one per day on my big evening salad, preferably a small one, but even a medium sized one gets consumed in one meal if that's all I have. Consequently, I rarely have problems with constipation. Sorry if that's TMI. :p

    Rori - WOW, that gym attendance is paying off big time!

    - welcome back. I was just thinking about you - DH was watching that TV show about the gold "miners" in the Bering Sea - I think they were using dredges of some type. Hope that property dispute with your relatives is settled once and for all.

    Following the conversation about girlfriends. I cherish the gals I have lunch with. I guess I'd consider them good friends. We don't talk daily; sometimes email weekly. I do miss having a "shopping" girlfriend, however. Of course, the marathon shopping/lunch adventures took place 25 years ago when we were trimmer and had a lot more energy. I seem to run into one of my friends at Walmart a lot, lol. Does that count?

    I became acquainted with the one gal at work, the other 2 were fellow Master Gardeners. Finding something in common has been the key for me in the friendship arena.

    Barbara AHMOD - that BB&B class sounds like a workout! Are there any "fragile" type seniors in it? I'm starting to think I'd be a "hang onto a chair" type, at least at the beginning. :#

    Ginny - thank you for sharing about your isolation through your husband's illness. I'm glad you have work and church friends to help fill the gap. As I type this, I realize I didn't really become "friends" with my current pals until well after we had retired or our Master Gardener affiliation had ended. I think we were all looking for each other, and having something in common, friendships were established from former "acquaintance" status.

    Ok gals, up and at 'em. Make it a super day! <3

    SW WA State
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    On Girlfriends - I am blessed with many.
    I have a core group of friends that have been together since forever :smile: . Two of us since we were two years old, we picked up a few others in kindergarten and then two more moved in during Jr High. We still get together once a year or so (at least). We were together last month when my friend since we were two lost her Mom. We are VERY lucky that we all like each others husbands too, well, most of them.

    Hubs and I picked up a couple friend from one of his long term coworkers over 20 years ago. We since live in different towns, but try to meet 6-7 times a year for lunch half way between us. We will go stay with them for the occasional weekend (they have dogs, we don't so its easier for us to travel to them). We are there for each other through the ups and downs and life.

    We picked up another couple friend that is more like siblings than friends about 14 years ago. Our hubs work for the same company so we will often go stay with them when hubs works out in the bay area where they live. She and I will play while the hubs work. Since I can work from anywhere, I will work my few hours a week while we are out there and still have plenty of time for fun stuff.

    In addition to that, we have friends in our neighborhood that we frequently have dinner or drinks with. We are big on patio therapy in our neighborhood.

    I need to run and get my work day started. Have a great days Ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • LaurieLynn62
    LaurieLynn62 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning! I'm tired just trying to keep up with all of the activities y'all are doing!

    I totally understand about the lack of "gal pals". Since my husband has started working in another State, I have found that I really don't have anyone to socialize with. When I lived in Idaho and Nevada, most of my social time was spent either with tennis friends or with people associated with my son's sports. In the past few years, I've become more of a homebody and dropped all sports. I also feel bad because the dog (Maverick) is home alone all day and I need to spend time with him. I'm very involved in my church but that is really only a couple days a week with choir, chimes, and youth group. So, the lack of gal pals is really my fault for not getting out there but I am very comfortable hanging out alone.

    I'm still having a horrible time getting back into the swing of things. I log my food into MFP until dinner time. I also just can't seem to work up the energy to jump into a workout when I get home. I keep thinking about later in the week when I have outside commitments which will screw up my workout plans instead of just focusing on today. What are some things you have done to get back into a routine?

    For those getting rain, please send some to Virginia. It is so dry that the dog is kicking up dust in the lawn when he chases the ball and the leaves are already starting to fall. It makes me feel like I'm back in Las Vegas.

    Laurie in VA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Sharing Five Types of Hunger ... an excerpt from Dr. Bert Herring's Book ... AC:The Power of Appetite Correction
    Five Types of Hunger

    Somatic Hunger
    Somatic hunger is the hunger that you feel in your belly; it may feel like sort of a cramping or twisting sensation, and it's often associated with stomach gurgles. [Deep rooted need for food when you are truly famished... my addition to the text.]

    Limbic Hunger
    Limbic hunger is the instinctive hunger that drives you to eat more than you intend to eat, as soon as you take the first bite. Limbic hunger is the reason that the serving size on certain thin, minty cookies should be one sleeve, not the four-cookie serving claimed on the package. Limbic hunger is the reason any size bag of chips might become one serving and the potato chip tag line, "nobody can eat just one" generally holds true. In the survival setting faced by humans for most of the past 100,000 years, limbic hunger made sure that as soon as there was a successful hunt or foraging trip, humans ate more than they needed so that there would be plenty of reserve even if the next meal did not come for several days. Food that wasn't eaten would either rot or be eaten by insects and other animals, so limbic hunger made sure the surplus food/fuel was safely stored in the fat-fridge by prompting more eating than was essential for survival.

    Clock Hunger
    Clock hunger is your body's biologic clock ticking, saying "Hey, you ate this time yesterday! Where's today's chow?" Clock hunger is felt as somatic hunger (the feeling in your belly that comes with stomach growls) about 23-24 hours after the time you ate the day before. If you eat a morning breakfast, that punches your body clock at that time. The next day at the same time, you'll likely feel hungry, because clock hunger triggers somatic hunger. On the other hand, if you usually eat a morning breakfast, and then don't eat it for several days, your morning breakfast clock hunger will fade, and within a few days, you won't be hungry at that time.

    Appetite-Driven Eating (ADE)
    Appetite-driven eating is an odd kind of hunger. You don't feel it as you do somatic hunger, but you can see it and experience it. When you see yourself eating when you'd rather not, that's ADE. You may not even feel any somatic hunger at the time, yet there you are, stuffing food into your mouth when you know you don't need it. Your mind is saying stop, but your body doesn't comply. You'd rather stop eating whatever it is you're eating, but you don't.

    Mouth Hunger
    Mouth hunger is related to ADE. It's the urge to chew on or eat something when you're not really hungry. Mouth hunger may be prompted by eating carbohydrate-rich foods and is distinguished by wanting or craving a particular sensation in the mouth. You don't want to eat just anything; you want something of a particular taste, texture or mouthfeel, such as sweet, crunchy, salty or chewy.

    Herring, Bert. AC: The Power of Appetite Correction (p. 35-36). OpKnox LLC. Kindle Edition.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I experience a variation of the Somatic Hunger (lightheaded and dizzy) and Clock Hunger (snack 1 is at 11:45 am).

    I've never understood this hunger: "Limbic hunger is the reason that the serving size on certain thin, minty cookies should be one sleeve, not the four-cookie serving claimed on the package." I'm a food hoarder, so I'll have one cookie and save the rest for another day. Unfortunately, I'll even hoard to the extent that food ends up going bad.

    I'm one who forgets to eat when I get busy ... and when I get stressed, I stop eating because my stomach feels like it shuts down.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Those of you who have been posting photos ... you look great! :)

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Laurie in VA - I had to fit my workout into early morning hours, as it's simply the only time I will do it. Everyone has a different rhythm to their day, and it's a matter of finding out when you will do it, and literally scheduling yourself for it. My workout is in my Outlook calendar, so I get a reminder if I get busy writing an email or thinking about a grant, it pings me, and I get up and go. :)

    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    edited September 2019
    I had a whirlwind of a day at work and it's not going to stop this week. This is what happens now every 3 months ... I have an insane 3 weeks or so.

    It was so busy that I couldn't go to my lecture, even if I wanted to. And tomorrow I won't be able to go to my tutorial but I'll do as much as I can of it at home.

    But we upgraded our TV. :) After staying at a place, recently, with a decently large TV, we decided to have a look around for one too. Fortunately, they aren't overly expensive, and we got one with on sale for $200 off. It's not huge because those are just impractical, especially if we're going to continue to move. But it's bigger than the little 32" that we've had for 6 years now. And it's a smart TV ... we haven't even begun to tap into those features.

    Now I'm trying to get the colour set just right.

    And just cause I was browsing through my photos before going to bed ... I've added some to my husband and my album ... us through the years ...

    Regarding moves ... this was me in April 2019 ...
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hmmm ... moves. Just added them up and I think I've lived in 24 different places across 4 Canadian provinces and 2 Australian states. 25 if you lump in the 3 months I cycled around Australia in 2004. 26 if you lump in the 8 months we travelled around the world in 2012.

    We've lived where we are for nearly 5 years now! That's a record for my husband and me. Normally, I would be itching to move, but we've had enough excitement in the last year or so ... right now I'm happy to stay where we are for now.

    Machka in Oz

    M in Oz