jwaggoner486 Member


  • Hey, y'all! Are you looking forward to 2017? What did you learn this year? I've lost 10lbs and kept it off. I am much healthier. From having a cold every month, I haven't had anything worse than the sniffles for the past 6 months. I can feel my body is stronger and my cardiovascular health is better. I get sore from the…
  • Added you! Everyone is welcome to add me as
  • Keep going! Ask MFP friends for support. I couldn't see any clear trends within a month. I'd lose and gain. It was only once I had a couple months of MFP that the 5-7lb range I fluctuated within looked like a trend line. I would get really mad weighing myself once a week, so I started doing it every day. Eventually I…
  • Please friend me if you want to connect, too! Screen name: jwaggoner486 Goal for August 17th (have to quit early before vacation, so 2lbs per week!): 140 July 22nd (starting weight):148 July 29th: August 5th: August 12th: August 17th:
  • I'm in! Please connect. So far, I'm not losing weight very fast, but that's ok. I try to keep a high protein ratio (essential so that I don't get sore after workouts). I stick to a low calorie limit (1,200) and try not to eat back my exercise calories, but I'm super short and saw a nutritionist for 6mo to confirm my needs…
  • Well, eventually it happens @wahagent05! I've been looking at my 12 month and 6 month trends, because that is how I can see changes in sleep, diet and exercise making a difference. My weight chart is trending down! Don't get frustrated. You're making changes and just need another "good day" to put things in perspective. I…
  • Hire a trainer to teach you about free weights. Once you have a set list you want to accomplish, you'll be focused on your goals, not what other people may or may not be thinking. I love using weights and think it is so ridiculous that when I was in middle and high school, the girls went to learn aerobics while the guys…
  • I'm trying to lose 30. First 5 are up and down all the time. Next 10 come and go depending on the season and how much stress I am under. But that final 15 has been here for 15 years! I'm ready to get back to great habits and am eager to motivate others. I'm much better with a group! Please friend me.
  • If you like lunchtime, make that work. Maybe your husband can show gratitude for you watching the kids all day by being a 2-hour babysitter over lunch? Or a parent you like can cover for you MWF and you watch their kids TuTh?
  • You all are invited to add me, too! I am just starting over, too. I did well when I was using MFP with friends, but they've all stopped using it and my weight has crept back up. I need to lose 30, but that scares me so I'm saying 20 for now :)
  • Thanks for this group! Please friend me: I'd love more support. Going it alone is no fun, and doesn't work as well for me.
  • I lost weight and was all-round more fit using MFP with a friend, but when she stopped using it I lost motivation. I've kept tracking food and exercise, but have been just maintaining my weight for the last 2 months. I plan to focus on: - Frequent exercise, especially full body weights with balance challenges - More fresh…
  • I'd love to connect. I am 157cm and gained 10lbs recently I'm struggling to take back off. I should lose 20, but I'll start with just getting back to where I was a year ago! I tried to connect, but the app was all buggy and wouldn't let me message you. Will see if am missing any updates and will try again.