

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, I have around 30 lbs to lose too. I had the weight off, but some slowly started to creep back on during grad school 2 years ago, and now in the past 7 months my job has been awful and I lost a loved one, and I gained more weight back. The extra weight and my clothes not fitting right are making me even more miserable, but I realized that this is the one thing that I actually have full control over, so I'm going to work to change it for the better.

    I started doing Cize, and now starting back at the beginning, I completed Day 11 today. I really needed something fun to keep me motivated and this is perfect. It's hard to get out of bed at 5:15 in the mornings but once I get going not only do the endorphins provide a great start to my day, but the dancing doubles to making me feel even better. Then at least as bad things happen during my day, I have a high starting point. In addition to Cize, which I'm doing every day, I'm also drinking shakeology for breakfast every day and trying to keep my calories low and eat healthy, drink a gallon of water each day, and walk 10,000 steps. I don't always make the 10,000 steps, but since I've committed to it- most of the days I have!

    Also as an extra motivator, I bought a locket and several charms from Origami Owl. I decided that for every 10 days straight that I workout, since I have a habit of making excuses to myself and missing days, I will put a new charm in the locket. Each of the charms I picked out have a special meaning to me, most related to my health journey, and I have 7 of them, so that will at least get me through 70 days. I added my first charm, a sneaker, yesterday! Little non-food rewards can be really helpful self-motivators :smile:

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing with us! You can definitely get the 30 LBS off if you "make a decision" to stick to your journey, regardless of the ups and downs!
    Your first key to success is being DETERMINED that you will succeed!
    If this is a temporary thought, the process will not last long!
    Stay motivated! Join challenges, there are many listed on MFP daily or weekly! Continue to post on threads to stay motivated...sometimes just hearing what others are going through on their journey will help you push through your hard days!
    Eat healthy, stay hydrated, and by all means KEEP MOVING!!!!! The weight will come off!
    Set REALISTIC GOALS...never set goals that are hard to obtain, this will cause you to get frustrated and fail!
    I push for 2 LBS per week, b/c that's doable...BUT if i only lose 1.2 LBS i am still happy b/c that's a victory for me....EVERY POUND COUNTS!

    Most important...put your scale away!!!!!! If you are in a habit of weighing everyday, that will be a downfall!
    When the scale doesn't move in our desired direction, we will use that as an excuse to stop working out...that's when the decent downwards starts!
    Weigh yourself ONCE a week,,,if you are not seeing the numbers that you desire, simply EAT BETTER, or WORK HARDER...the weight WILL drop...BE PATIENT, it WILL NOT come off over night! IT TAKES TIME...especially if you are doing it the HEALTHY way!
    Good Luck!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    ChelsBaj wrote: »
    I'm on a 30lb journey myself!!! Anyone feel free to add me! Let's motivate each other!!

    Thanks for stopping by...plz keep coming for, advice, support & MOTIVATION!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
  • alinebae
    alinebae Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in , add me
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Omg......what a struggle....... don't want to waste any more time...in that time, I'll add on pounds and misery!
  • jwaggoner486
    jwaggoner486 Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2016
    I lost weight and was all-round more fit using MFP with a friend, but when she stopped using it I lost motivation. I've kept tracking food and exercise, but have been just maintaining my weight for the last 2 months.

    I plan to focus on:

    - Frequent exercise, especially full body weights with balance challenges
    - More fresh veg & protein (less sugar & dairy)
    - Finding friends in the app to motivate each other

    I'm on my phone all the time, so am good at cheering you on when you post! Please connect.
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Boy, that is right!!
  • angavai
    angavai Posts: 110 Member
    Add me please
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2016
    How is everyone doing? I hope you are still working out and staying motivated!

    This week i am doing the squats and Abs challenge! Feel free to join me so that we can tighten up our bodies together!

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    I started this challenge late...started on day 11, so it will be a 20 Day Challenge for me!
    If i like it, i may try it again in 60 days!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Such a positive thread!

    I've lost 30 lbs so far and still 30 or more to go! The first 20 I feel like came off easy, then came the holidays and I basically maintained through end of year. Started being serious again in January and it just seems like it took forever to lose 10 lbs this time. I did have some personal issues, became unexpectedly pregnant only to unfortunately miscarry. Probably a week after miscarriage got back into trying to lose weight, and the scale just isn't budging this time...only going up to come back down!

    But through it all I never really went down a size, and then maybe a week ago tried on some stuff at the mall and I'm a 12 (down from a 16)! With the scale not moving, I really needed something positive to happen so I know that all of this effort I'm putting in isn't for nothing because I don't can't tell much when I look in the mirror.

    Scale still isn't moving much, but at this point I'm just trying to focus on the inches. Last October/November I made a goal to be a size 10 by the time my friends and I head on a vacation this summer. I've got a little over a month to go...so I'm really pushing. I know as you get smaller it takes less time to move between sizes, so I'm hoping that just maybe it's possible. Lol even if it's just in one clothing item!
  • Lemondropdreamz
    Lemondropdreamz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Folks!

    I need to lose 30, too. Hoping I can get close by the end of June. The mantra? 30 by 30. I turn 30 on June 30th. This is Day 3 for me and I wanted to see who else is on this journey with me. Who I can motivate and who can keep me motivated. I'm glad to see this thread and hope to join in on all of this positivity and support I see! Good luck guys!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    hELLO MOTIVATEDSISTER & lemondropdreamz thank you both for stopping by, and sharing!

    When the scale seems to be staying around the same numbers for awhile, you may need to change your macros or switch up your workout routine!
    For example, if you are eating 1500 calories per day....reduce your calories to 1100 for a week to jump start your weight loss again! Also...if you are walking on the treadmill, start jogging some as well!
    If you are doing normal cardio workouts, change to HIIT which is high intensity!
    This will wake up your slow metabolism, and start the scale moving in the correct direction.
    If that is not successful...trying changing both your caloric intake, and your workout routine!
    You may have to ADD 15-30 extra mins to your workout!
    Change will kick start results!
    Good Luck!

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    AR10at50 wrote: »
    Wahagent05- thank you for being so encouraging to everybody! Even though I don't post much of anything, I always stop by and read your posts with a cup of coffee in the morning!

    You are very welcome, i enjoy it...it keeps me motivated as well!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    Checking in...i hope everyone is still keeping their portion control in mind! Portions are very important! Once you get use to smaller sizes, it will become easier!
    Also, change what you eat and when you eat! Cut out all junk foods, fast foods, and unhealthy foods ( this will only be temporary until you achieve your weight loss)...Never eat or snack after 7-8pm if possible! Eat more fruits and especially good green veggies!!! Eat more Fish!

    ...And last MOVE MORE!!!!! You have to move to burn the fat! Yes you can lose weight by cutting back on foods and not exercise, but if you want it to take forever to come off, you can do it that way...if you want to see results soon....you must MOVE!!!!
    Incorporate some type of cardio in to your day! Aerobics, Walking, Jogging, HIIT, Tabata, Jumping jacks, jump rope, or any of the popular DVD's thats available...Jillian Michaels, P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Cize ...there are endless videos on YOUTUBE ...it's your choice....but make a decision to MOVE MORE, and you will start to see RESULTS soon!!!