

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    I too have around 30 pounds to shed.
    I'm 5'7" and 133ish. Want to get back into competitive sports someday so I'm going to lose the fat and gain some of the weight back in muscle.

    I'm preparing for college entrance exams and want to get into med school (am Taiwanese. Medicine is an undergraduate major here) so I spend most of the day studying. It makes fitting in a workout schedule quite diffficult.

    Feel free to add me :)

    Thank you jamiechiehlo for sharing! We definitely understand how difficult it is to exercise when you have busy days. my suggestion to you would be to set aside a certain amount of time each day to MOVE start with 20 or 30 mins, and increase gradually)...movement is the key to weight loss. Also continue charting your foods here on MFP. Try to stay UNDER your calorie goal if possible. What you COMMIT to...you STICK TO in order to see the change in your body!
    You can do this! Stay motivated! Make this a priority, the same as you do for your studies! The results will come!

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Sheri2016 wrote: »
    I sent you an invite 1thequeenB, so hopefully you will get it now

    I'm still having trouble
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I've been slowly allowing myself to not eat as planned since Saturday.....enough is enough though..back to it tomorrow!
    Idk why I self sabotage???? Same pattern. Get close to 180's and then I start slipping
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    ok sweetie...let's figure out what is going on, and why you seem to be going backward this week! Need to ask you a few questions ok...
    First...how many days has this been going on? Are you emotional eating? Has something upset you this week? Do you think you are overworking yourself...could your body need a break?

    I only ask these questions, so i can figure out where WE need to start at when it comes to fixing this issue!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2016
    Sometimes it can be the obvious things like needing to take a break from exercising, or from eating the same foods continuously, and for some ppl, something can happen to discourage you, and it will completely throw your FOCUS OFF! Others just get bored!
    Talk to me...let's figure this out together!
    If you need to inbox me, plz do so!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2016
    Don't worry, we will get you back on track! For starters, let's jump start your motivation....what motivates you to work out more? Is it a significant other, your health, looking at pics of yourself? Whatever it is...let's go with that! Find images of what motivates you, and make that your screensaver, put it in view where you workout, put a pic on the refrig....you must be able to SEE on a regular basis what it is that motivates you to get fit!

    Start a journal...you don't have to write much, but plz chart your rough days, and be honest about why you binged, or didn't work out! Also chart your very good days...when looking back over your progress, this will help out a lot!
    Chart how you felt, and why???
    We can't fix what we do not acknowledge! When you can SEE what you wrote, you can acknowledge it...if you can acknowledge it, you most certainly can change it!
    Hope this will help some, but if we need to do more...we will just let me know!
  • DLove9321
    DLove9321 Posts: 67 Member
    feel free to add me as well. looking sto stay motivated!
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,552 Member
    Wahagent05- thank you for being so encouraging to everybody! Even though I don't post much of anything, I always stop by and read your posts with a cup of coffee in the morning!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    AR10at50 wrote: »
    Wahagent05- thank you for being so encouraging to everybody! Even though I don't post much of anything, I always stop by and read your posts with a cup of coffee in the morning!

    You are very welcome! I honestly do this b/c it also keeps me motivated, knowing that i am helping others!
    It's making me be accountable for the information i am sharing!
    How can i tell someone else to stay motivated, and not do so myself!
    I also have struggled with being over weight! I am still in the process of reaching my goal. So, you are not alone...i am not a 110 Lb person sitting behind a desk...i to am overweight as well!
    I started my journey unexpectedly...here is my short story...
    Last year on Feb 26th i gave up smoking...cold turkey! I put the cigarette down and NEVER picked one up again! This Feb 26th 2016, i celebrated 1 year smoke free....woooohooo! I patted my own self on the back...i was incredibly proud of myself! Then i decided what should be my next goal??? It didn't take me but a second to figure out that it would be my weight loss journey!
    I had struggled with my weight since the fall of 2014! It was time for a change! I KNEW if i could stop smoking COLD TURKEY that i could DEFINITELY do this....so i started walking. :)
    It has only been 6 weeks, but i am currently down 12 1/2 lbs! That's an average of 2 LBS per week!
    I decided from the very beginning that i was gonna FINISH WHAT I HAD STARTED...no excuses, no stopping & starting over again!

    Sooo, i printed off a 100 day calendar, and started my 100 days to healthy journey...i am now on day 43, only taking off 5 days since i started!
    I try to do something to better my body EACH DAY! I do different things...C25K, Cize, cardio, walk, HIIT, Tabata...i switch it up a lot! It keeps my body guessing what's next!

    I also join challenges! I'm currently on the Biggest Loser Challenge here on MFP. I am the team captain of the THIN IT TO WIN IT team! GO team!!!! :)
    I also have this discussion thread...30 LB Group, and i have just recently joined a new group called H.E.L.D. Together which also has weekly challenges.
    In order for me to succeed, i know that IT IS A MUST for me to stay busy, and to stay involved with others that are on the same journey as myself!
    I am determined... I WILL DO THIS...... and it all started with one thing.....I MADE UP MY MIND TO DO IT!
    Until a person gets serious..."really serious" about what they need to accomplish, they will never complete their goals! This is why so many ppl fail on their journey everyday...they start with good intentions, but give up when it gets tough!
    When you are DETERMINED, you will PUSH THROUGH those rough days, and keep going!
    If you overeat...so what, if you binge, or don't exercise it is NOT the end of the world...nor is it the end of your journey unless YOU allow it to be!
    No one who has succeeded in losing a significant amount of weight has done so without having any bumps in the road! They succeeded b/c they CONTINUED....PERIOD!

    I have 16.2 LBS to go my 1st goal...if i decide to continue after that i will need to lose an additional 10 LBS! After reaching my goal, i will continue to workout 3 days per week for maintenance...it's a lifestyle change!

    Plzzz join me on my journey! Let's re-write this chapter of our lives TOGETHER!
    I truly believe that you have the WILL, POWER, and STRENGTH to accomplish ANYTHING that you desire...MAKE A DECISION to do better, and let's get this weight off...1 POUND AT A TIME!!!

  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I love how motivated you remain @wahagent05 !

    My motivation seems to last for a moment...this time my moment was for almost 21 days...I gave myself a plan...low carb, low calorie, high protein....for 3 weeks.....that was my short term goal and then I was going to slowly increase my calories and good carbs...I was doing well until this past Saturday...after finding out that I had actually won the weight loss contest at work...I took my winnings and went shopping with my girlfriend. I tried on smaller clothes and felt great about myself....then we grabbed a bite to eat....the beginning of the decent down the slippery slope. I had a small piece of bread...and some restaurant procuitto stuffed chicken. I took the left overs home (there was plenty since my gastric bypass friend didn't want the remainder)...then I later went home and finished it since I didn't want it to be there the next day. I was gonna start fresh the next day....Sunday, my husband went to work and the pancake mix box called my name. I ate more than needed of course. Monday I did ok until after work...I grazed the pantry. Tuesday I had something I shouldn't have had, again after work, Wednesday had donuts after work and today was gonna be a good beginning day again but donuts after work again. I only missed Tuesday and Wednesday workouts this week....I had a great jog Sunday night, and even decided to set a goal to jog 40 miles this month by add 1 more day of jogging. I woke up this morning and made myself workout, I started the day with scrambled eggs and cheese, bacon, and wheat toast....lunch was tuna and salad with balsamic dressing....then I wanted those darn donuts again after work. I really wanted to go jogging after work but left later than expected. Idk what my deal is...maybe I push myself too hard? But I know I'm capable of doing what I set out to do...maybe I stress myself out? I say that I'm gonna take my time and work on one goal at a time to reduce stress on myself but I know I can do more..... Help! Signed: Driving Myself Nuts!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2016
    okay 1TheQueenB...this can be easily fixed! We got this...remember! :):)
    Let's try this, once a week, have what you desire, as long as you stick to you LCHF diet! Have a cheat day...extra calories, but no BREAD! If you really like bread, try making almond bread, or searching for recipes that fit into your low carb lifestyle! Try Linda's Low Carb Menus and Recipes...there are a lot of great dishes on there! I personally love the meatloaf! There are many recipes for breads, desserts, fish, you name it, it's a recipe there, and its low carb! Here is the link...let me know what you think! Search for recipes for the things that you crave the most! After searching these recipes you will crave other desserts, and these will fit into your diet, and really help you stay on track!

  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Idk if I should bother with the low carbs anymore....Maybe everything in moderation? I also considered carb cycling.
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Did I mention that I don't cook? Actually I don't like to cook or go grocery shopping for a recipe lists. I'd have to get my hubby to cook it, and shop.... :#
  • alisasila111
    alisasila111 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I have around 30 lbs to lose too. I had the weight off, but some slowly started to creep back on during grad school 2 years ago, and now in the past 7 months my job has been awful and I lost a loved one, and I gained more weight back. The extra weight and my clothes not fitting right are making me even more miserable, but I realized that this is the one thing that I actually have full control over, so I'm going to work to change it for the better.

    I started doing Cize, and now starting back at the beginning, I completed Day 11 today. I really needed something fun to keep me motivated and this is perfect. It's hard to get out of bed at 5:15 in the mornings but once I get going not only do the endorphins provide a great start to my day, but the dancing doubles to making me feel even better. Then at least as bad things happen during my day, I have a high starting point. In addition to Cize, which I'm doing every day, I'm also drinking shakeology for breakfast every day and trying to keep my calories low and eat healthy, drink a gallon of water each day, and walk 10,000 steps. I don't always make the 10,000 steps, but since I've committed to it- most of the days I have!

    Also as an extra motivator, I bought a locket and several charms from Origami Owl. I decided that for every 10 days straight that I workout, since I have a habit of making excuses to myself and missing days, I will put a new charm in the locket. Each of the charms I picked out have a special meaning to me, most related to my health journey, and I have 7 of them, so that will at least get me through 70 days. I added my first charm, a sneaker, yesterday! Little non-food rewards can be really helpful self-motivators :smile:
  • ChelsBaj
    ChelsBaj Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on a 30lb journey myself!!! Anyone feel free to add me! Let's motivate each other!!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    1TheQueenB wrote: »
    Idk if I should bother with the low carbs anymore....Maybe everything in moderation? I also considered carb cycling.

    Stick with the low carbs, i promise you you will bw glad you did! You may just have to make a few changes to your macros, and what type of food you are eating, or perhaps your type of exercise...but the LCHF does work!

    You may also still be in the ADAPTATION phase of it! Don't give up...push through it!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    1TheQueenB wrote: »
    Did I mention that I don't cook? Actually I don't like to cook or go grocery shopping for a recipe lists. I'd have to get my hubby to cook it, and shop.... :#

    No cooking, okay...try planning your meals ahead of time, i do this daily, and it has been a life saver for me!
    I don't crave as much b/c i'm not hungry. But when i do start craving junk, i always have healthy "good tasting" snacks on me at all time...like nuts!

    Also if you a bottle of water when you start craving it will help the cravings go away!