dbahelenparr Member


  • All of the above and I would add making sure that you're choosing nourishing real foods. I'm finding that I can eat a satisfying amount of food, which gives me plenty of energy, when I prepare real foods for myself rather than relying on heavily processed convenience foods. I too consider myself a yo-yo dieter, not that I…
  • Sending you an add, this could have been written by me!! This is my second time using MFP. In the past I have done punishing amounts of exercise with short term success and long-term injury. Over the years I have come to care very deeply about proper nourishment, eating real foods, eliminating processed foods,…
  • Sending you a friend request
  • In my mind I'm a roller derby girl, does that count? I loved Whip It and when a rink opened in my town a few years ago, I told my friends, "that's it, we're forming a roller derby team!" We're in our 40s so everyone got a good laugh out of that one, but I like to imagine I could be that bada$$! This is also my second time…
  • Hi everybody! I think I fit right in here, I'm 47 and would like to lose 20 - 25 lbs, 30 - 35 lbs would be fan-flippin-tastic (can I say that?), but I'd be very pleased with with 20 - 25. I'm trying to do this by eating real foods sensibly and walking every day, no quick fixes, just long-term healthy choices. Hoping to…
  • I LOVE this idea and am currently using this approach because it seems more sustainable than being overly restrictive with entire food groups or doing punishing amounts of exercise. In regard to OP's question, my experience has been that for weight loss diet/nutrition is way more important than exercise, but exercise is…
  • I guess right upfront I should disclose I live in Southern California, but I promise not to gloat when I go outside. I too celebrated the big 4-0 (seven years ago) and am hoping to finally lose the baby weight. They're 10 and 14 now, so it's about time, right? I joined MFP about 4 years ago and within 3 months I had lost…
  • Since you said you're drinking a gallon of water a day, it's probably not thirst, especially if you're felling that hungry! Have you checked your nutrients to make sure your getting enough protein at each meal? A satisfying snack for me is a protein shake (I like to mix 2/3 scoop with 4 oz coconut water), and a carb like a…
  • One of my favorites is to dice up sweet potato, toss it in a small amount of coconut oil and cinnamon, then roast at 400 F for about 40 minutes, then top with ground turkey, black beans, salsa, and Greek yogurt. Delish! I like to season the ground turkey with homemade taco seasoning, and the black beans with cumin, garlic,…