hlc302 Member


  • Interested too : ) I also have attended a general mindfulness group & already try to be more mindful around the whole aspect e,g where our food comes from to start with , the time & energy spent growing, producing , cooking etc , then actually whilst eating ,, it does make you appreciate your food more & the work put into…
  • wow youve been through some tough times my friend , hats of to you for sticking it out , i also know the pain of spine surgery & M.E (similar symptoms to lupus ) so know how hard it is to stay on track ,im back on here today also after a tough few months , good luck to us !
  • An occasional square of dark chocolate (organic 70 % or over cocoa content as some studies proved to be helpful ) helps me when I crave that sweet hit ! You will learn to like the slightly different taste it has : )
  • Ive had lower back problems for years (30) & eventually surgery and partial discectomy on L 5 , Ive always been told Core Strengthening is the answer , pilates is brill , told to avoid bending from the waist exercises (some yoga moves ruled out ). Maybe a refresher appointment with physiotherapist to devise a new plan to…
  • ive started using those green keep food fresh for longer bags (think you can also buy keep fresh discs) if stored /wrapped correctly the salad greens really do keep a lot longer . For a simple dressing I mix a little olive or avocado oil with balsamic & lemon . egg & meats or tuna for protein . : )
  • Hey Im heading up to nifty 50 ! & plan on losing around the same , Im from Durham U.K
  • Darlington U.K : ) feeling focused !
  • Hi not sure if your U.K but there was a good programme (series) on bbc1 called "trust me i,m a doctor" with an episode about sugars & replacements (these by in large not great! ) was worth a watch if you can get it on catch up etc .
  • I,m managing to input every day as I find it really helps me keep track of those cals ! Im from Darlington , I could do with adding some friends if anyones interested as I think a small group to keep checking in with would be great. Im just getting the jist of FP forums discussion tools etc .
    in UK based Comment by hlc302 January 2016
  • Hi northeast too , started last year on here but only briefly as I became immobile (back surgery & other complications that i wont bore you with ! ) so gained 3 stone . Im in a better mindset now so just started giving it another go , lost 2 lbs so far ! my calorie intake to lose 2lb a week has come up as around 1200 does…
    in UK based Comment by hlc302 January 2016