natparbell Member


  • What about kefir?
  • Haha! I think of Matt everytime I hear #5!! Heading over to a friends to watch the Villanova game and they are picking up V&S. Ughhhh! I'll be eating my leftover salmon from last night BEFORE i head over. Have a great Sunday everyone. My focus this week is eat more protein and work on mobility at the gym :)
  • Thanks for this info!!
  • I've got my days all messed up and I'm actually doing strength today. Question for the group regarding yesterdays' Core. I have a nephew who is a personal trainer and he tells me that the only time one should crunch is getting out of bed in the AM. Says the strain it puts on your spine outweighs the ab benefit and there…
  • @Jan: yummy! good thinking @Lisa: probably fish. 2 1/2 more hours :) It really hasn't been that bad. We had our ROG magnet party at the Works. Pizza & cupcakes. Not even tempted. Was pretty hungry around 2PM but feeling strong now
  • 5 hours to go! Tom made homemade ravioli last night and invited my parents over. He would have been pissed if I didn't eat it. (FYI: he's not a fan of clean eating or even paying attention) So, I ate two. Made lots of roasted veggies but then had to make that my carb day, which I wasn't planning on doing. Going to…
  • Fasting today until 7:30 dinner! Wish me luck!
  • I'm way behind on the discussions. Now that I'm home from vacay, been crazy busy. @Matt, thanks for all the posts. The CrossFit yoga one cracked me up, but it was a good reminder that hip mobility is crucial.
  • I've definitely become more mobile since committing to these types of stretches but still have a ways to go
  • That's what I thought. Thanks! I did my metcon with a 2minute row b/c no assault bike at the gym here. I have to say that by round 5 and 6, I was hating the step-ups. All the other ladies working out look like they never sweat and then there was me: red faced and dripping.
    in Day 4 Comment by natparbell January 2016
  • My nephew has be preaching to me about increasing protein for over 2 years now and I just never eat as much as he says to. I've started to eat much more and I have to say that I am seeing more definition. When I get home from vacay, I am going to try a few fasting days. BTW, our flight was cancelled on Sunday and now I'm…
  • What is an assault bike?
    in Day 4 Comment by natparbell January 2016
  • Like!
    in Day 4 Comment by natparbell January 2016
  • I'm away on vacation with plenty of time to workout so taking a rest day is harder than at home. At home, Wednesday is my rest day. I so look forward to it b/c I know I don't have to get up so early. Here, it's tougher b/c feel like I'm sitting around. Hope to golf this afternoon as my leisure activity if it warms up a bit.
  • Thanks! Wednesday is normally my rest day so that's perfect!
  • Just to confirm. Aerobic 30 minutes is a steady state?
  • I'm away this week but still will work on eating as clean as I can. I haven't read all the posts here but want to hear more about the intermittent fasting.
  • Natalie here and I'm here b/c I think I'm in good shape regarding weight lifting but really need to follow a cleaner food plan to shred the fat. That's my goal.
  • So true!
    in Day 1 Comment by natparbell January 2016
  • I love strength days! They are my most enjoyable days - I need a push on the other days!