DebraLMurphy Member


  • Argh, tough one. Because while I believe that everyone has the right to make that choice, I also believe that it sets impossible standards for those of us who can't afford it or aren't willing to accept the risks of elective surgery. It's the same issue with unnaturally thin models and photoshopping in magazines. If more…
  • I too struggle with binge eating and have tried OA also, so I feel for you! The process is a lot of self discovery since what works for one person may not work for another. So gather as much advice as you can and try it all in the hopes that something will click for you. For example, I read on MFP that a filling, protein…
  • Yes, I know the feeling! Nights are hardest for me so that's when reading from the message board really helps. I have a friend who writes in a diary and it helps her. Kind of have to find what works for you. Good luck!
  • I just started a week ago and I think friends are key to success. Sounds like you're off to a great start. Feel free to add me!
  • Oh my gosh, what a jerk! But keep your faith in other people - there have been so many kind comments posted for you. And I say, do whatever you have to to stay on track today. Happy Birthday!
  • If you send a friend request, that would be great! I just started at MFP and haven't figured the friending part out yet. Need to check out the tech support section, lol. I am hoping to lose 10 more pounds, though maintenance almost scares me more than losing, argh!
  • Friend me too! I am in my 40s with 3 kids and keep using their needs as my excuse not to address the rising number on the scale. I am just starting to use mfp hoping it will help me get, then stay, on track. Would love to trade support!