Looking to lose about 70 lbs & would love some humorous same-boat motivators!

Hi there!
After 3 kids and hitting 40, I want to "let myself go" in healthier ways than what I've done. As Oprah said, I'm looking to make 2016 my healthiest year yet.
I have about 70 pounds I want to lose and am focused on healthy eating (no prepackaged, fewer carbs, lots of fruits/veggies and protein) and non-gym exercising.
I know weight loss is more successful when you do it with others - if you have some of the same goals for this year feel free to add me as a friend and we can support one another!
PS - It would be great to see fellow WI or Midwestern people, as a friend out in FL that's trying to get healthier as well just keeps posting about running outside (in the sunshine). I'm getting a bit jealous when the temp today is -2 and we have a health advisory to not be outside more than 10 minutes!
Good luck to you!


  • Tokye1
    Tokye1 Posts: 14 Member
    Friend me. I started with 105 to lose last year. Down 48 and 57 to go. You can do this and so can i!
  • pjwood1967
    pjwood1967 Posts: 17 Member
    Sorry I'm in Florida too but I do need to loose 70 or more as well. I am doing a ketogenic diet that's high in good fats very low in carbs and about 20% protein. I mean why not I've tried every other kind of diet and usually can't budge a pound. And if you say diet in my presence I immediately get hungry. With this diet so far I have moved the scale not much but it did move! I am now not hungry and have to force myself to get to 1200 calories a day. Also I am able to get into jeans that I couldn't before and they are comfortable. I've only lost 5 pounds but it seems like more.
  • pjwood1967
    pjwood1967 Posts: 17 Member
    Arch I did horrible and had a cheat day yesterday but I will be back on track today it wasn't sugar so much as breads as in a bun, bread sticks, and pizza. That's my kryptonite!
  • sexyphat41
    sexyphat41 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in your boat! Mother of 3, 40's and need to lose about 70lbs! My journey started at needing to lose about 100lbs since last May. I've lost over 40 lbs since then and continue to struggle! I hate gyms! Most of my physical activity is in the home or at work as I work with children. Hope we can support each other!
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    edited January 2016
    I need to lose about 70 lbs, I live in Nova Scotia which is pretty cold and windy right now (big snowstorm yesterday!)
    I'm 40 and doing my workouts at home (Workout videos) and outside (when I can). I have PCOS and I am watching carbs. Carbs are my downfall, my addiction.
    I would love to have friends with similar journeys ahead of them. Although I don't have kids myself (yet) I have three little nieces living with me whom I want to show a healthy example to by getting active!
    Please feel free to add me!!
  • dbahelenparr
    dbahelenparr Posts: 9 Member
    I guess right upfront I should disclose I live in Southern California, but I promise not to gloat when I go outside. I too celebrated the big 4-0 (seven years ago) and am hoping to finally lose the baby weight. They're 10 and 14 now, so it's about time, right? I joined MFP about 4 years ago and within 3 months I had lost 18 lbs. Baby weight gone, yay me!

    Not so fast, at about the three month mark, I gradually resumed old habits and within 9 months: "baby weight" snuck back on and plus a few more pounds. I still blame the children for those. Since then I've gone back and forth with several months of getting back on track followed by a lot more months of giving in.

    All joking about the kiddos aside, I want my approach to nutrition and fitness to be a good example for my girls, and I want them to have a healthy body image. I'm trying to do this by eating real foods, not restricting carbs altogether, but selecting complex carbs as much as I can, minimizing simple carbs and doing my best to cut out processed foods as much as possible.

    For fitness, I bought a Fitbit last week and am trying to take off the lbs by walking, sometimes outside, because SoCal (sorry). I know I can do this, just not sure if I can keep my resolve for more than a few months. Support and inspiration may just be the key! Friend me if you want to do this together :)
  • jusbar71
    jusbar71 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi I am Justine, I am from England where it is cold and snowy st the moment, I too have 3 kids, 2 boys aged nearly 19 and 18 and a 12year old daughter. I too need to lose approx 70lbs, I have been on this journey for 3 weeks so far and I have lost 9lb, it would be great if you add me as I too need as much help as possible
  • pjwood1967
    pjwood1967 Posts: 17 Member
    Any of the new comers please add me as a friend if you want I would love some more like minded people it really does help reading your posts every night before I go to bed. Knowing someone else out there feels my pain because my husband is very skinny and can and does eat anything he wants and in fact has to try and keep wait on him. Size 30 waist wow if only! I'm jealous of my own husband.
  • WarszawaScream
    WarszawaScream Posts: 2 Member
    I can cover you in the humor department! I'm from NY, 34 and no children but I've got at least 60lbs I need to lose annndddd I'm doing it with a bum foot and asthma, so crazy amounts of exercise aren't in my game plan. (Walking is even difficult on certain days, gah.) You sound like you're of the same mind as me diet-wise so I'm gonna go ahead and shoot you an add!
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    pjwood1967 wrote: »
    Any of the new comers please add me as a friend if you want I would love some more like minded people it really does help reading your posts every night before I go to bed. Knowing someone else out there feels my pain because my husband is very skinny and can and does eat anything he wants and in fact has to try and keep wait on him. Size 30 waist wow if only! I'm jealous of my own husband.

    I know the feeling! And my husband has the nerve to tell me he wish he could gain weight! lol
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Ohhhh I think I just found my support system ! Yes all you guys. Please do not hesitate to add me as a Friend as I am too, a 40something (42 actually), from Montreal where there is more snow this year than tsssss don't remember when ?! No kids, just me :blush: I am new to MFT, started on Jan. 12th and I have to say I am really loving the accountability and the "you're not alone" feeling when reading these posts.
    I have 75 pounds to lose. I started at 225 and am weighing myself weekly, so next tuesday we'll see what the scale says. That being said, of course I want to lose the weight (not gonna kid myself here) but I want to live a better life, a healthy and balanced life, my best life, 2016 will be the year of my best body, jsut like Oprah said. Man I love that woman !
    Let's get this done, one meal at a time, one workout at a time.
    Oh and the snow or the cold HAS NOT kept me from getting my lunchtime 25 minutes speedwalk in everyday since tuesday. *proudme. :smiley:

    Yay !
  • DebraLMurphy
    DebraLMurphy Posts: 7 Member
    Friend me too! I am in my 40s with 3 kids and keep using their needs as my excuse not to address the rising number on the scale. I am just starting to use mfp hoping it will help me get, then stay, on track. Would love to trade support!