xxsippinsodaxx Member


  • For me, I had started to "check in" once a week on a Tuesday morning. I chose that because Monday's are too close to the weekend and usually quite a manic day, whereas I could usually guarantee I'd be home at the same time every Tuesday morning. I chose between 9am and. 9:30am because by then my children would have left…
  • Hi there @rodnowis :) Thank you for joining my little group! Please join in, post as much or little as you like, share idea's of what we can focus on etc. I'm keen to engage with people and encourage each other to achieve our goals. Kind regards, Sam.
  • Varying what I have for breakfast, as I usually just grab a bowl of cereals. Finding things that are easy to prepare time wise and don't cost a fortune!!
  • Ooh yum yum! I know this will sound daft at my age, but I've never poached an egg before!! Don't get me wrong, I've eaten them and love them, but I tried once to do it myself and completely failed, so never tried again. Well, this morning I fancied eggs for breakfast, I saw we still had an avocado and remembered a recipe…
  • Switching to green tea, that's brilliant. I've put up a weekly challenge for water this week and running alongside the fitness challenge I started last week. For me, I started this group page because I'm at the beginning of my journey and I've failed so many times in the past because I tried to do everything at once full…
  • @Inewsome Hi there, thank you for joining my group :) Yes, you're right. I was doing so well, then boom, everything out the window!! I usually weigh myself Tuesday's, but couldn't face it today... have promised myself to get back in the swing of it tomorrow.
  • Ugh!! I'm managing to be a bit more active, but my will power over food this week has upped and left! I've slipped terribly back into really bad old habits and the calories have rocketed; of course this is also not helped by it being "that time of the month". I'm not looking forward to weighing myself on Tuesday :-(
  • Increase water intake
  • Beautiful day here today, the sunshine always makes me feel more positive. Will be doing some walking today, so will hopefully achieve my first small step this week. Taking my daughter to the orthodontist at the hospital, going to try and find parking away from there and walk down, so that will be good, fingers crossed! :)
  • Hi mistyjazz929, My name is Sam, I'm 43 years old, I have two children (13yrs & 11yrs). I live in East Sussex in the UK. I have really let myself go, too much good food (haven't discovered much I don't like!!!) and far too little exercise! (Walking to the fridge IS exercise isn't it?!!) I've had to work out this next bit,…
  • Wow! I actually lost a pound this week, which is amazing considering I've had a couple of days where the diet went completely out the window! Really need to focus this week, or the scales might just end up moving in the opposite direction!!
  • Thank you for the link. Sadly, I'm not in the US so am not able to access challenges, and the app doesn't let us make our own. Thank you for all your help, much appreciated.
  • Can you make your own challenge? Basically, I'm still confused!! LOL ... simple step by step guide I need!! I would like to see how it works in the app under the challenges tab, but it says I don't have any challenges available to me. I'd be happy to set my own
  • Thank you, I'll try that.
  • Me too!! I've come to find out the same thing :D