TerreK Member


  • I’d love some accountability buddies! I’m back on the “MFP” wagon after about a year off. I KNOW THIS WORKS...I lost 35#, had hit my first goal weight and planned to reset and lose another 30-35#, but was derailed by life/excuses, depression. I really need to have someone expecting me to check in...let’s help each other…
  • Add me!!! I’d love some shared motivation too....I’ve lost 35#, hit my goal..then gain 10 back! Ughhh....I wanna go for 30# more... Let’s do this!!!!! TerreK
  • Sounds like we’re in the same boat?!! I need some motivation...I sure can’t eat/lose like I did at 25!!! Lol....Let’s get connected & support each other! TerreK
  • I’d love to try & support each other! I need motivation!!! TerreK
  • Hello, Pattie!!! Welcome to MFP! I’m back restarting after a fall off the wagon last September. I’d lost 35# and hit my original goal weight....I never thought I could do it, so I only chose 35# as a goal hoping to get there...well, I really had 30 more to go! Now, since fall, I’ve indulged over the holidays & put back on…
    in Hello Comment by TerreK January 2018
  • I’d love to try and help support each other! I’m restarting MFP after a 35# loss. I hit my target weight last fall, then fell off the wagon and went crazy over the holidays....I’ve gained back 10#, and I was planning on trying to lose another 30...,SOOOOOO, here I am kinda starting all over!
  • Hello everyone!!! I'd LOVE to join this team of accountability buddies!!! I am back on MFP after the birth of my twins, and a singleton, (a mere 18 months later....) So, needless to say...I'm in need of weight loss/toning up. I've lost just over 30# on my own since starting back up, but I'd like to drop about another…
  • I am about 5'6 and currently weigh 172...my original "goal" I entered was to hit 150#...I was trying to be realistic and give myself a goal I thought I should be able to reach reasonably comfortably....? (I don't wanna starve...I like red wine/ an occasional dessert, don't work out daily, etc.) I have 2 small children that…
  • Wow?!?!!! Thanks so much everyone!!! Such great insight & information.....So, it kinda sounds like a "weighting" game??? (Bawhahaha!!!! Sorry, that was lame....but, I couldn't resist!!!) Of course, it's rewarding to see the scale going down...and I can notice in the way my body looks/feels...I've just never had to try &…
  • I've lost 12# in 9wks...truthfully, I'm not working out at all...so, I know I can boost that to burn cals/lose more....but, I wasn't clear on MFP calculation of cals to consume. I'm also not certain what type of work out regime I should start....I'm looking to tone mostly? Thanks for the help! Terre☺️
  • I've lost 12# in 9wks....truthfully, I'm not working out at all...so, I know I can boost that to burn cals/lose more....but I wasn't clear on MFP calculation of cals to consume. I'm not certain what type of work out regime I should start...I'm looking to tone mostly? Thanks for the help! Terre☺️
  • I'm totally new to this whole, "chit-chat" deal....but, seriously......are these comments intended to be mean spirited, or are people just unable to express themselves clearly? I'm so sorry if they're meant to be hurtful....weight loss is a difficult road...folks sure don't need people to be unkind when they're trying to…
    in Devastated Comment by TerreK April 2017
  • Add me ladies!!! I'm getting back at it after babies/ multiple health issues & my weight has crept up....I'm mostly off to a good start, but can ALWAYS use motivation, positive support and any workout tips or ideas to get me feeling better about myself!!!
  • I'm up for support & motivation too!!! Add me...
  • I could really use the support too....I've had kids/medical issues over the last several years & kinda always battled my weight anyway. I'd love to "friend" or get friended by anybody who sincerely wants to try and motivate each other to attain our goals....