serenitywsu Member


  • I eat eggs sooo muchh. But honestly my average protein intake is about 40-60 grams. Alot from carbs tbh. But I dont experience any exhaustion or brittle nails and i think its because twice a week I do usually have a high protein diet(about 70-90 grams). I don't know if your body 'stores' unused protein so Im not exhausted…
  • 5'3 34-27-40. Super pear shaped. Would like to get down to a 25 waist and 38 hips though!
  • My friends tell me all the time I have "Yellow fever" Which might explain why I'm incredibly attracted to my boyfriend whos japanese. But seriously. I have to stop myself from doing double takes when I see a good lookin asian man. I got it bad. I dont even know why.
  • I just started about two weeks ago, as long as you have some swimming experience (from free style, treading, back stroke etc) most teams are willing to take new member's! Its such a fun aportand I love it. Even though I'm the smallest on the team the others still encourage me to play in tournaments and try offense manuvers…
  • Its students who are working on their degree project I think. I'm not sure exactly who's running it, but regardless the numbers didn't seem quite right.
  • No need to be rude and make assumptions. I was counting calories at the time when I was exercising 2 hours a day, and I was counting everything I ate. No to mention I said in HIGH SCHOOL, children, preteen, and teen bodies AREN'T adult bodies. Some people Just DON'T have metabolism that adapt well to low calories or their…
  • I think it verys from person to person. When I would exercise two hours a day and aim for 1200 to 1300 total in calorie consumption, I never lost a single pound. When I hit my senior year in high school, I gave up calorie counting and would exercise for 1 1/2 hours a day and probably eat around 1800 calories and I lost…
  • Im mostly just wide hipped, average white girl booty hahaha. Body fat is pretty high, about 24%. Im broad shoulder so dresses have be either be stretchy or bought in a size 6 to accommodate my shoulders if its not strapless.
  • The only tattoo I have is a Koi fish swimming up Stream. Summer of Senior year of High School my brother went missing, and his body was found washed on shore a month later. I struggled through a lot of *kitten* before that and even more so my senior year. When I graduated, I realized I could honestly deal with anything…
  • I have a Acute calcific periarthritis, and was told hard/contact activities will either cause more damage, pain, or worsen my joints in the future. I don't know if ours is similar enough, but from experience I do what I can, if its just a tingle of pain. If its worse than that, I stop. Arthritis is inflammation and…
  • For me, as a college student I spend about $60 a month. I'm a vegetarian and before I moved into my college apartment I stocked up(soymilk, peanut butter, noodles). So mostly what I buy every month is veggies and bread and tofu. Im in WA.
  • Hey I'm on nearly the same budget, broke college kid over here :). I spend about 30$ for two weeks. You CAN find cheep wheat bread. I buy my whole wheat bread at winco for 1.68. If where your shopping doesn't offer wheat bread cheaper than 2$ try somewhere else because I promise it exist. Frozen veggies to stock up on isr…
  • At twelve I was about 130-140 lbs and needed to loose weight as well. My parents didnt encourage it, they felt I was fine and should focus on other. But Honestly, a child cannot be focused on other things when they are OUTCASTED, BULLIED, and UNCOMFORTABLE IN THEIR OWN SKIN. Encourage the fitness. Books aren't everything.…
  • So weird to see how different builds result in different clothing sizes, or maybe it's just brand. Would you consider yourself to be wide hipped or bigger boottied? Because I do usually fit in about a 4 or 6 in dresses, but I can almost never squeeze into any brand 6 jeans. I do wear smalls in shirts too though : )
  • Weight:138lb Height:5'3 Pants: size 8/9 Measuremants 34-27-39
  • My sister has the same problem, but once she started cutting out processed food she saw improvement! She may not ever get to a skinny minnie, but who cares, she is healthier now! Just find what works with YOUR body, maybe its not the terrible medication. Maybe sugar triggers your condition, or processed food, maybe…
  • When girls wear a thong to the gym so their vagina sweat is more noticeable on the gym equipment...and they DONT wipe it down. Yuck yuck yuck.
  • I'm starting because of a 12-week fitness program for a scholarship that my school is offering. Feel free to add me! I'm trying to lose some weight, but mostly gain fitness!