adamgheli Member


  • I watch Netflix/YouTube while treadmill.
  • I thought about it but I wanted to take full advantage of the current motivation. I'll note changing the shoes. It just might do the trick. In case this puts things in perspective...I'm almost 80lbs overweight. 5'9" and 246-249 lbs. goes up and down.
  • You sir have convinced me. I was already on the fence...but I'll keep my coffee. Thanks for the motivation :wink:
  • And that's one of my personal reasons for picking up a McDonalds Large Coffee each morning on my way to work. It really make me feel relaxed...however my trainer's been telling me that there's a difference between feeling stressed (mood) and being stressed (intestinal). I honestly love my coffee and never been a tea…
  • Practical experience tells me there is not much difference. However, my Google research suggests that coffee is raising my Cortisol levels and thus make me fatter.
  • I don't know anyone that drank more Diet Pepsi than myself. I drank about 8-9 cans each day for almost 12yrs. Was like a non-stop binge for a dozen years. I have however curbed it down to about 2 cans over the weekends only. No soda in the weekdays. I noticed that for some curbing down works well...for me it had to be cold…
  • Bingo Mallory! Right on the Money.
  • Dear Friend...I agree with what you're saying. You are logical in your plain and simple opinion approach. But pure logic alone, will not help a human being fighting with his/her body weight. You've got to take more variables into consideration than just your experience and what facts have been stated by OP. You've got to…
  • Kryssu...I would take what your doc said. Notice, I mentioned before... Initial slowing down of weight seems like it worked at first by accident. But the fact is that it didn't. The body simply release the access water and toxins first because it's the least needed by the body. Fat loss comes right after but it's a bit…
  • I second that and fully agree. At the onset of major calorie deficit, the body goes into somewhat of a shock. And water retention as well as a lot of detox is taken place. Mine resulted in a 9.5lbs in 6 days. So the results are very exciting but it quickly slows down when fat loss occurs which normally gives a downer. But…
  • Kryssu...what's your height? If you're an avg height, you sound a bit heavy for 109kg. Let me share something amazing with you. I'm considered obese for a 5'9" man with 38.5% PBF (somewhere around there). I was neglecting to eat to limit calories also. But now 36.2% PBF after 4 weeks. I've tried low calorie many a times…
  • I used to be the same way Hfeff. With me, it was my brain trying sabotaging/tricking me me. It (my brain) made it logical that Hope I'm making sense. Yes, we have an enemy within that likes to keep things going the EASY way. Don't let it fool you. It's not you, it's the enemy...the bad side of you. We all have it and must…
  • This Is It! You just made my day brother. This is spot on with what I usually do wrong. Ty
  • This has started working for me for a few weeks now. I take my people anger out on food and say crap like "You Don't Deserve Me" to the food. And I take my people anger out during workouts. Sort of like channeling your anger and sadness to work out better and stay away from food. I keep telling myself "Food is a Friendly…