catlynnl Member


  • I think it potentially could be harder as we age, particularly for women. Seems estrogen might be linked to either metabolism or satiety (maybe both?):
  • I don't think 9 months is enough time for your hormones to have leveled off. Go slow and give yourself a break. (If baby isn't sleeping well, it might be a bit more challenging as well.)
  • This is happening to me right now, with 10 lbs left. I'm static for 3 weeks, then the 4th week I lose 2-3 lbs. But I eat on-plan consistently. I figured it was hormones or the pill and some sort of related water retention, for me. It always makes me nervous, though, waiting to see if the loss will come.
  • I think hormones might play a role. I'm not sure if they play a role in making you more hungry or not, though. But it was VERY easy to put on weight when I was pregnant... ;-) edit: And i feel that for most people, hormone levels in your 20s might be different than hormone levels in your 30s or 50s...
  • I have no advice, but just wanted to say I am in the same boat. I can eat really well up until dinner. Family dinner is important to us, but it really is difficult.
  • Maybe consider weighing daily, at the same time of day? I weigh myself daily now. I was too scared to at first - I wanted to be motivated by visible change. But daily weighing really helped me see how much daily fluctuation I could have. (Now I just look for a general downward trend, every 4 weeks.)