Try to do it on a laptop. Gives you much more functions. I deleted recipes that i saved.
Jeez, more than clear. I have been struggling to get this for 6 weeks now. Tnx so much. This really helps a lot. Can not thank you enough.
Dont mind. 42 yrs old, 1.72 cm tall, weight 63.2 kg, fat % 23, muscle % 35.
New to weight lifting but not overweight. I just need to know how much calories a day and which percentages for my macro nutrients.
As far as I know mfp does not give your nett carbs at the end of the day and that you deduct your fibre from your carbs. Correct me if im wrong.
Can you pls help me work out my calories and macros?
I am working out. Lost 4.7kg in four weeks. My fat ‰ dropped to 25% and muscle picked up to 35%. I still have about 6-8kg's to lose but i am scared of losing muscle. My fat % still needs to drop a lot.
If you are building muscles your scale weight will pick up. I bought a scale a few years back that shows your weight, muscle mass, water, fat and bone mass. It helps a lot to track if you are actually losing fat.
I use a garmin vivofit. It sincs automatically with mfp but only the steps for the day. Includes my steps on the treadmill. Interval on the treadmill is just a bonus for me at this stage.
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