efwww Member


  • Sleep is very important for everything: health, muscle recovery.. But since it's the first time you go to the gym, I doubt you're going to do heavy lift. In the end it's your body, i don't think you're going to injure yourself but take it easy
  • It depend what your goal is, you can do strength training and lose weight, although it's gonna be slower
  • First time I trained my chest, i couldn't move my arms for a week :(
  • Ouch, knee injuries are not fun :confounded: My right knee hurts, but I did a MRI yesterday, but I think it's gonna be alright. Good luck !!
  • Discipline. I sound a bit harsh but it's the truth. Before you take that pizza and ice cream think about how you will regret it if you eat it
  • I used to be obese. Never going back, diet and exercises is part of my lifestyle now, and I think will be for the rest of my life
  • It might be because you are either not eating between 1300 to 1500 calories or you just gotta be more patient. However if you haven't lost really anything in 4 week, then you might need to check more what you're eating