iceneyes Member


  • My wife and I started Keto together. She did it out of support for me. She had only a few pounds to lose and told me she was going back to carbs after she lost the weight. She felt so great on Keto that she's stayed on. Before Keto, she had a lot of digestive and bloating issues after eating...all gone.
  • I also get frequent leg & foot cramps. It seems to happen after days with more than normal walking. I have been gradually increasing salt. I already take magnesium glycinate and occasionally cream of tartar for potassium (I don't do it often as I've read it can be bad for some people). I'm also a heavy coffee drinker and…
  • I drink coffee in the morning and then, just water. Occasionally I squirt some water enhancer in the water, but not usually. I've also had unsweetened ice tea. My 36 hour fast starts after supper on Wednesday. I don't eat Thursday and then have breakfast on Friday. Only the first fast was hard for me. All others have been…
  • I have a weird approach to maintain motivation. I engage my brain in something "Keto" everyday. I try to find a positive news article, a youtube video, a form post or a podcast to think Keto daily. It only takes a few minutes in the morning before getting ready for work and it keeps my brain focused on my goals.
  • I have been doing Keto since late June and what you are experiencing is normal. However, 10 days in you are probably not yet fat adapted. When starting out, you should eat more. I tried to get all my calories in for the first four weeks. On my fifth week, I started doing 16:8 intermittent fasting, and when it works, I do a…
  • Watch out for sugar in rubs too. Especially rib rubs can be loaded with brown sugar. Typically, brisket rub doesn't have sugar in it.
  • I haven't been eating my exercise calories and have been loosing 2-3 lbs per week. In the past, I did eat (or drink) those calories and had zero success with that plan. I would actually mow the lawn when it wasn't needed so I could have a beer! That didn't work out for the waistline!
  • I agree with this. So many people just don't understand LCHF. Only two people in the world know about my intermittent fasting! The only people I tell about our LCHF are those who are overweight and really looking for a solution to lose. The others that ask how I'm losing weight, I just tell them I track my intake with MFP…
  • I have found that I must reduce quantity dramatically. We've been on a Keto diet for almost 3 weeks and I had pretty much avoided alcohol until July 4. I had a few Bourbons on the rocks while watching fireworks and it went straight to my brain...and then the 5th of July came. I had the worst carb cravings, upset stomach…
  • I'm 3 days in! Need any advice? Lol! I'm in it because I kept losing and regaining on traditional calorie restricted diets. I have a handful of friends that have been very successful in Keto. Also, my wife has been super supportive by joining in. I'll buy one of those machines.