Seaghdha Member


  • I mean, if we're being honest, fish in general isn't perfect, I wouldn't consider wild or farm to be healthier than the other. Both have chemicals in them. Wild has sludge that we pour into the ocean, farm has chemicals that they add to the water for whatever reason. You just gotta pick your poison with them.
  • Me and you are literally on the same boat. I lost so much weight due to an eating disorder, and now I gained it all back via binge-recovery. It's crazy. I'm now 5'11 and 270-280lbs, and I need to lose about 130-140 lbs just to be in the healthy range again. I'd love to be friends with you!
  • I teach people about it, but only my absolute best friend keeps track of her intake. She's actually the one who taught me about it.
  • I do have a university counseling center, but they don't do much in the way of disordered eating. I've gone once or twice and they just refer me to a "more suitable doctor." Then again, they have a team of about 5 counselors, and I've only seen one of them. Maybe I could distinctly ask for a different counselor.
  • This is why I've never really done cardio, but more weight training than anything. Cardio is great for toning and getting good heart health, but weight training builds more muscle, which uses more calories to maintain than fat does, and therefore uses more energy. A good pairing of the two should allow you to build muscle…
  • This is highly impressive. Keep pushing! :)
  • I'm always looking for friends. :) Glad this thread is here.
  • Morning: 4 nutter butter cookies and 1.5 cups 1% milk Mid-morning: Sushi, California roll with 3 packs soy sauce Afternoon: Sushi, Spicy Vegetable roll with 3 packs soy sauce Now: 1 bottle of water, 1 bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper
  • I normally make my own sushi or buy it on my way to school. Or I have peanut-butter oat cookies (basically just peanut butter and oats, baked) and 1.5 cups low fat milk. Or sometimes I have oatmeal with bananas and frozen mango. Oats are a really big thing for me, so I sort of stick to those. Sushi is also fantastic, but I…