What is your go-to breakfast?

I'm in a bit of a breakfast rut. I usually bring my breakfast to work and eat at my desk. Looking for some new, semi-portable breakfast ideas.


  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    2 boiled eggs and 2 pieces of bacon
  • danacondah
    danacondah Posts: 57 Member
    I have a protein shake every morning... great for the portable breakfast.

    Chocolate whey protein
    PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
    Unsweetened Almond Milk
    A handful of baby spinach
    A handful of kale
    Ice cubes... blend... bendy straw ;)
  • kristieshannon
    kristieshannon Posts: 160 Member
    Trader Joes makes pre-cooked, frozen steel cut oatmeal that is just slightly sweetened. It's 150 for a decent sized serving. I have that most work days with a hard boiled egg and a big glass of water with crystal light in it.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    Three whole eggs and black coffee. Usually tides me over for a few hours.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    danacondah wrote: »
    I have a protein shake every morning... great for the portable breakfast.

    Chocolate whey protein
    PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
    Unsweetened Almond Milk
    A handful of baby spinach
    A handful of kale
    Ice cubes... blend... bendy straw ;)

    clearly the bendy straw is the most import ingredient :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited March 2016
    Either overnight oats (oats, milk, berries, protein powder) and milk with coffee or 2-3 eggs, toast, veggies, and milk with coffee. On Saturday I add bacon.
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hard boiled egg, one piece of rye toast and greek yogurt. Always satisfies me until lunch. I bring it to work and toast the bread there.
  • danacondah
    danacondah Posts: 57 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    danacondah wrote: »
    I have a protein shake every morning... great for the portable breakfast.

    Chocolate whey protein
    PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
    Unsweetened Almond Milk
    A handful of baby spinach
    A handful of kale
    Ice cubes... blend... bendy straw ;)

    clearly the bendy straw is the most import ingredient :)

    Clearly :D
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member
    On weekends I make egg, red pepper, onions, spinach and low fat cream cheese muffins and freeze for quick breakfast. I also make a frittata with vegetables, meat and eggs plus cheese. I alternate with oatmeal or muesli and fresh berries with almond milk.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I go back and forth between some kind of frittata/egg muffin/egg bake, or hard boiled eggs/deviled eggs.
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    just not a breakfast kinda guy..coffee with non fat milk and my vitamins
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    Bagel thin with FF cream cheese.

    Greek yogurt.
  • kaylasaurus
    kaylasaurus Posts: 45 Member
    Oat bran with PB & protein powder or Ezekiel toast w/ PB & Fig butter (nom nom trader joes!)
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    edited March 2016
    Egg cheese omelette in a 100 cal bagel thin by thomas.
    Instant oatmeal in diff flavors, using milk for protein and better fullness than just water.
    Grits (Sweet)
    Peanut butter in sandwich thins by arnolds 100 cal.
    Chia Seed pudding
    Fruit bowl with greek yogurt
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Right now I usually have an egg with three egg whites scrambled with some veggies or spinach greens and a serving of Coach's Oats with a Tbsp of natural peanut butter and a low sodium V8.
  • Seaghdha
    Seaghdha Posts: 15 Member
    I normally make my own sushi or buy it on my way to school. Or I have peanut-butter oat cookies (basically just peanut butter and oats, baked) and 1.5 cups low fat milk. Or sometimes I have oatmeal with bananas and frozen mango. Oats are a really big thing for me, so I sort of stick to those. Sushi is also fantastic, but I try not to have soy sauce with it because that amount of sodium first thing in the morning isn't good for anyone.
  • billy_mireles
    billy_mireles Posts: 14 Member
    1 cup of black coffee mixed with a scoop of whey protein. Yum! !
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm really not hungry in the morning and for most of my life, I've been a non-breakfast eater, but now I try to eat a little something when I get to work - a hard boiled egg, a banana, or a packet of instant oatmeal.

    Now that I've discovered PB2 I think it's my favorite thing in the whole entire world and I'm going to try something like @danacondah's shake tomorrow. Sans bendy straw.
  • Metaboliccoach
    Metaboliccoach Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone have any suggestion for a whole food or raw food breakfast that I balanced with protein and fat for 1200-1300 cal intake. I am hoping to lose weight again and somehow keep my hormones balanced.