Laney293 Member


  • Thanks! I'm thrilled to report that I put on a skirt today that normally feels like it's cutting off my circulation around the waist. It's a teeny weeny bit looser. All those jumping jacks are working
  • Any Beachbody DVDs pr Jillian Michaels, love her!
  • That could be the problem. Do they say 80% diet and 20% exercise? Also, when you have cheat days, do you just have the one treat on these days or treat yourself throughout the day? There's absolutely nothing wrong having a cheat day, just don't overdo it. Re: exercise swimming is good and works every muscle in the body,…
    in Help! Comment by Laney293 April 2016
  • Thanks, hopefully we can motivate each other.
  • Am I too late to join? I'm on level 1 day 5 (again). I did this DVD but stopped after 20 days. I did lose 17lbs though. Having said that I've put 14 back on (must say no to those creamy cocktails in the summer evenings)! Hoping being part of a group will motivate me to continue for the whole 30 days.
  • Hi may I join this group too? I've 30lb to lose too. I've recently started running into work 3 times a week from the tube station (we have showers at work so it's ok I'm not smelly!) :) Once I get into the office I also take the stairs (6 flights) to add to my fitness regime. I'm also doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.…