Utah89 Member


  • I have been poking around at KETO since September. I got on here today to actually track my protein, fat, and carbs to get better at it and hopefully see some great results.
    in Keto Comment by Utah89 October 2017
  • I like to make an egg casserole and have it all week for breakfast. 3 eggs with 3 extra egg whites, 1/3 cup milk whisked together with any meat, cheese, veg combo in a greased 8x8 pan 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Let cool and cut into 4 squares. I wrap them individually and reheat in the microwave for 1 minute. Its my make…
  • @SmashleyM914 you are right I need to measure. Thanks!
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • I have the corned beef in the crockpot. I am struggling to be motivated because despite 5 killer workouts last week I gained a pound- urg!:( Since my surgical menopause my metabolism is all over the place. Trying not to let it get me down. I told my Mom yesterday that all this working out isn't taking off my extra weight…
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • OHH- I already have corned beef for this week:)
  • Does anyone know when the next destination will be posted? I do a lot of food prep on Sunday and I want to see if I need to be making any specific kind of food.
  • I should get another hour or so in tomorrow. Rained all day today so my hike with the dogs got postponed.
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • Just got back from a great run with my pup. I am so thankful for this unseasonably warm weather! I have just an hour more of exercise to meet my weekly goal and I had all my Greek food this week! I still need to do the dance
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • Hi Team, I am new to this app and am not quite sure how to friend people. I can accept requests but don't how to issue requests. Help?
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • If you go to the spreadsheet and click on the Team 5 Tab there is a column for everyday this week to tally your exercise minutes. Continue to scroll to the right and there are columns to note the roadblocks and the challenges you completed. The very first sheet in the workbook is where you log your weekly weight every…
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • Boo- I was hoping for a bunch of fun videos to watch of all of us dancing.:)
  • Sorry for the late check-in. I just got back from a ski weekend with my family. It was especially great because my oldest son is a freshman in college and away for the first time was able to join us. Needless to say I am taking the separation harder than he is. So I really appreciate when all four of us are together. I…
    in Team 5 Comment by Utah89 March 2016
  • Hi, I am Elizabeth. I am 44. I gained 25 pounds after a surgery last summer that laid me out for several months. I started exercising again in and finally feel like myself. I lost my first 10 and now I am working on the next 15. One day at a time:) I looking forward to this challenge to keep me moving in the right…
  • Please add me- sounds fun!
  • I know you must be frustrated. I stall for long periods of time and then will have a bump of weight loss. Maybe you could try to reframe what you are doing to make it not about the weight but about taking care of yourself because you deserve it. When we make healthy choices we are investing in our bodies for the long term,…