45strotter Member


  • I'm 45 wanting to lose 20 lbs. I've always struggled with my weight. I have also had times of being in great shape and then would let myself go. I lift weights, hike and bike some. I have been stuck with the last 20 to go for a little over a year. My husband is also not into working out, although he will sometimes. Just…
  • I do a 3 mile hike in the mountains around my house 4 days a week, usually a rest day in the middle. Then I try and lift 3 days a week. Sometimes full body, heavy leg day or upper body. Kinda depends on if I've hit my 4 hiking days. I'm a believer in rest days!!! Trying to get in shape for a 10 mile hike out of the Grand…
  • Would love to be added too!!! Anyone can friend request me. Still trying to figure out how to do that!!! I really want to lose 20lbs. Have been stuck here for a while!!!
  • Totally agree!! Most people don't want to hear that. They just want a quick fix and then think they can go back to there old ways!! It's a lifestyle!!!
  • Don't stress over it! Lifting your heels is great for helping you get set back into your squat and going a little lower. More importantly is making sure your knees are not going over your toes. So if it helps with your form than lift your heels. I do both! Have been lifting for a few years and will occasionally go back to…
  • I've only had mine a few days but so far I think it's working really well!!