ohyeahjen Member


  • Hi! Death Note is amazing, and I feel bad for not having seen Attack on Titan....lol. I'm sure you can get where you want. This app and my fitbit had really helped my focus. Good luck!
  • Welcome! I'm only about 2 weeks in. I'm here if you ever need any encouragement and support. :)
  • I'm doing both diet and exercis. 1400 calories a day and trying to do cardiovascular ay least 6 days a week. Lifting weights as well. I have an eliptical so it helps.
    in Naruto Comment by ohyeahjen March 2016
  • That's lbs yes. I haven't been 99lbs since high school. 130 lbs is more realistic but I would love to be around 115lbs.
    in Naruto Comment by ohyeahjen March 2016
  • Well I'm short so weight shows on me quickly. I want to get down to 130, but add muscle. What's your goal?
    in Naruto Comment by ohyeahjen March 2016
  • Yeah I felt the same about Kakashi. He's always been my favorite. I plan to cosplay as young Kakashi when i reach my goal
    in Naruto Comment by ohyeahjen March 2016
  • What did yall think of the Boruto movie?
    in Naruto Comment by ohyeahjen March 2016
  • Hi! Naruto, Bleach, a bunch of shoju manga/anime fan. I also love Korean dramas.
  • Thank you for the feedback! I've been drinking so much more water and cut out soda. I still drink sweet tea(only as a treat and in small amounts), I'm southern so it's a must but I switched from sugar to stevia.