CoastalKatnip Member


  • Need accountability as well. Some people to message on my way to workout or after to make sure I do what I say I will. Private message on here or kik (just ask for it). If you awesome people dont mind that is.
  • My goal is 25-30 lbs Starting Weight: 218lbs June Hopeful Weight: 190 Goal Weight 145 lbs March 25/17- 218 lbs April 3/17 - 215.4 lbs April 29/17 - 206.9 lbs (lost muscle) May 9/17 - 209.1 Getting close. Not sure Ill drop 20 ppunds in a month but it is still more progress then I have had in a while. I'm happy with this so…
  • My goal is 25-30 lbs Starting Weight: 218lbs June Hopeful Weight: 190 Goal Weight 145 lbs March 25/17- 218 lbs April 3/17 - 215.4 lbs April 29/17 - 206.9 lbs (lost muscle) :(
  • I know the feeling you are talking about. Those days I do as best as I can. Eat nuts since they are higher in calories and good numbers. Eat protein or even fruits. Some days it is not about how much you eat but what you eat. The feeling will pass and if you have the eat healthy mindset already in place it will be easier.
  • I know Im off of the log in track but Im still happy so far. Finally forward motion! My goal is 25-30 lbs Starting Weight: 218lbs June Hopeful Weight: 190 Goal Weight 145 lbs March 25/17- 218 lbs April 7/17 - 215.4 lbs
  • Messaging sucks on here or kik? For me I actually get notifications on Kik. MFP doesn't so I can go days without knowing people are posting on here. More ease of notification then anything.
  • Set realistic goals. I know you have heard it time and time again but from a serial start over/yoyoer go one day and one week at a time. Before you know it it has been a month. But if you decide to do something like nothing super processed you have to stick with it. Whenever you get tempted come here and post or message…
  • Happy Monday everyone! Hard start to the week myself but still within my daily goal. Don't give up peeps. Slow and steady make life long changes.
  • Mine was to actually wake up early and go to the gym. Which I did. 45 mins of cardio. Had rough wprkout weekend so my muscles were a bit upset with me. Had to take it easy. Dont forget everyone not to push too much at once.
  • Much simpler then trying to figure this site out. Thank you!
  • Trying to better myself again. I did it once so I know it is possible just have hard time sticking to it. Hopefully this will help along with all you awesome people. My goal is 25-30 lbs Starting Weight: 218lbs June Hopeful Weight: 190 Goal Weight 145 lbs March 25/17 - 218 lbs April 3/17 - April 10/17 -
  • This might be just what I need. I have a hard time getting up and about in the mornings. Maybe having someone to message real time would do the trick and also the food log. Though that one Im teally nervous to do....
  • Dont give up after you hit the yoga. It will be hard but stick to it. I wish i had.
  • Frustrating moment eh? Similar to you I tried watching what I was eating. Making it better for me and going to the gym multiple times a week. Went down a notch in my belt which made me excited. One of my rings got a little more wiggle room and the scale even went down a little. All good things right? Got on the…
  • Didnt hit the mark in November but I did get closer. Now lets see how far December can go in the RIGHT direction. Starting Weight: 209.9 Week 1: 208.8 Goal: Under 200
  • SW: 215 Week 1: 211 Week 2: 212 Week 3: 212.4 Week 4: 209.6 EoM: 205? Progress! So I might not have lost the intended 10 but I did drop 5 and that gives me encouragement. Thank you guys!
  • Just what I was looking for!
  • So I have come to terms with the fact I did not make weight like I hoped. Only lost 2lbs in total since I fell off the wagon and couldnt catch up. That being said I am going to enjoy to and tomorrow. Come Saturday think I will start in on Decembers goal and try this again. Whos with me?!
  • At least you went down right? Progress is progress no matter how small? :p
  • SW: 215 Week 1: 211 Week 2: 212 Week 3:212.4 EoM: 205 No clue what happened. Gained for second week in a row. Im about to give up on even losing anything anymore.
  • SW: 215 LW: 211 CW: 212 EoM: 205 Was a hard week but at least it wasnt everything back.
  • Hold in there you got. Bad weeks happen but we have your back for anything.
  • SW: 215 CW: 211 EoM: 205 Not too bad for one week. Now to keep at it will be the hard part.
  • I know the cravings are strong on certain foods no matter when we're going to weigh in. If I was going to weigh in tomorrow I'd try my hardest NOT to eat a food that has loads of sodium in it. Because even if drank gallons of water it'd show weight gain, maybe only for a day or two but it'd be their for me. I'm not saying…
  • Help! Ive been good for a week and scale is moving, though holding off on official count till tomorrow. I ate out for lunch cause I had a meeting but now really want to go buy a pizza and eat like half of it with the rest for breakfast. If I do that I will be at double my totals for the day and will probably put me back at…
  • If you are a weight floater you could always strive to maintain that or stay under for a month. Make sure it isnt a fluke
  • So I know it is early but I went ahead and tried starting this past weekend. Problem is that I am on day 3 of actually watching what I eat and making sure it is beneficial foods that it feels like 2 weeks and I'm already waivering. How do you guys keep going or plan to push through?
  • Willing to give it a try but Im horrible at these things. Hopefully you all and this will help give me that push to stick it out. Current: 215 November End Goal: 205