Btheodore138 Member


  • I used to drink the vanilla garden of life shakes made with a frozen banana and almond milk. They were gritty, but I thought they were pretty tasty...and super filling. You do have to drink it kind of fast because it can turn kind of sludgy if it sits too long.
  • Anything that has me eat more sauerkraut, I'm down for. I can easily go through a jar twice a month.
  • Yes! It makes 3 servings (at least for me it does), and one serving contains 344 calories, 6grams of fiber, and 13 grams of protein (as much as half a cup of egg whites). You can add extra veggies like cucumber or spinach to bulk it up. Here's the exact recipe I use, but feel free to change it however you want: 1 package,…
  • I hated steamed veggies, but we buy mostly frozen so that's the only way I knew how to make them. I found out online that you can roast frozen veg, and it has been a life saver! They tastes SO much better, and with a little olive oil and montreal seasoning, really satisfy my cravings for salty/fatty snacks. 45 calorie…
  • That detox tea sent a friend of mine to the hospital. She had been in pain for WEEKS. It really does a number on your digestive system since it's basically a diuretic.
  • This happened to me last year. Everyone commented on how much thinner I was looking, but the scale wouldn't budge. However, at the same time I was losing fat, I was gaining muscle. You might also be retaining water in your muscles from the new workout. Be patient and you'll see the numbers fall!
  • There are a lot of low calorie but filling foods you can swap out for the smoothie. String cheese, hard boiled eggs, egg whites mixed with veggies, greek yogurt with berries, pistachios, low calorie wheat bread with half a small avocado, etc.
  • The first 20 lbs, yeah. I was obese, so just eating better and moving more helped me lose weight. Now that I'm closer to a "normal" weight, counting calories is crucial because my resting metabolic rate is pretty low (I'm also short). Even just an extra 200 calories a day would throw me off track.
  • You won't go into starvation mode. That's bunk. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat. If you want to eat extra calories, peanut butter is great at adding calories. Just 2 tbs are 200 calories.
  • I suffer from hypoglycemia and for me, if I just ate white rice by itself, I would be shaky and irritable 3 hours later. If I ate white rice with some sort of fat/protein, I would probably be OK. If I had brown rice and protein, I'd be feeling awesome and fuller for longer. Unless you have a medical condition or diabetes,…
  • My go to is chicken burritos. I put 2lbs of chicken breasts in a crock pot with a packet of chicken taco seasoning and half a cup of salsa. About 4 hours on high or 6 hours on low. I then shred it up, and cook for another half an hour. I put in on whole wheat tortillas with a bit of refried beans and cheese, wrap it in a…
  • I deal with hypo. What helps is eating 5 small meals a day, spaced out 3 hours. I consume a low GI diet, meaning I stick with carbs that are slow digesting (whole wheat, veggies, low sugar fruit) paired with a protein or healthy fat. It has totally turned things around for me. If you do have refined sugar/white flour, pair…
  • Oooh...those sound good. However, since I'm going to be bringing these on a plane, they'll probably have to be packaged. :(
  • HT is awesome (I like the mint and vanilla), and Artic Zero is poop (I'm not even a picky person but ugh). The cheapest low cal substitute I found for ice cream is....bananas. Yup, just unpeel some ripe bananas, freeze em in bags, and then dump them in a blender with just a touch of almond milk. Get yourself some chocolate…
  • Mine is always 151 (I'm 5'2, btw). This is the second time being here on MFP trying to lose the weight. I got down to 151 last year, stalled out for what seems like FOREVER, and then life happened. Gained back some weight, shot up to 165. Started trying to lose again a few months ago and the first 10lbs dropped off like…
  • Hey there! I'm 5'2 and a mom of two. I started out at 180 a few years ago, and I'm at 152 now with my ultimate goal at around 120. I didn't do anything too drastic for the first 30 lbs. Did a lot of walking (I got a Garmin), starting counting calories through here, and got rid of "trigger" food in the house that I couldn't…
  • Nothing gets things going for me faster than brussel sprouts. I always keep a frozen bag in my freezer for "emergencies". :smiley:
  • If you're here, you know it's all about meticulously tracking what you eat and logging it. How you manage to stay within the set calorie limit varies for everyone. Some people eat 3 large meals daily, other 5 small meals (like me!). Some do intermittent fasting, some do low carb, low GI, vegan, etc. None of these diets is…
  • Deli ham, spicy mustard, pickles, egg whites, low cal bread, frozen whole green beans and broccoli (amazing roasted!), olive oil, chicken breast, montreal seasoning, string cheese, greek yogurt, frozen berries, Halo Top ice cream, sugar free jello. I also buy my produce seasonally so that varies.
  • Sara Lee makes 45 calorie a slice bread, which makes it so bread fits into my daily caloric intake. There are certain foods that I can't stop eating...Cheez-Its, warm french bread and butter, soft oatmeal cookies. So I just stopped buying them and step away from them at parties. It really is a whole "out of sight, out of…
  • Maybe try adding fuller fat milk or soy milk to your coffee as well? The fat/protein might help with feeling satiated, and if you're using a small amount, it shouldn't add that many calories.
  • I eat breakfast, but I try to push it back to around a couple hours after I wake up. I then have a small protein,fat, and fiber packed breakfast (slice of whole wheat 45 cal toast, half cup egg whites, 1/4 cup cheddar) and I'm good for another 3 hours. So in total, that's 5 hours on roughly 250 calories...which is pretty…
  • It's hard but you can do it! I smoked from age 13 to 25 and gave up cold turkey. I'm not going to was hard and I put on 20lbs (because I was also sedentary). If you're working out, you should be fine. What worked for me was staying away from smokers and calculating how much money I was spending on smokes and…
  • You can add me! I'm a mom of two toddlers, 5'2 @ 152lbs. Trying to lose around 30lbs.
  • People mostly eat lower carb because eating carbs that metabolize quickly, like sugar and white flour, can cause your blood sugar to crash and make you more hungry, grumpy, or irritable. They also tend to be less satisfying then protein/fat and can trigger overeating. I don't think anyone should cut carbs out completely,…
  • Video games. Seriously, if you're bored and the binge sets in, start playing a video game. It keeps your mind and hands too busy to eat. Or just leave the house and go for a walk if it happens during the day. This is something that as a recovering addict I've had to do. Just keep busy, just keep moving, and make it to the…
  • I eat dinner around 6-6:30, but my last meal is at 9:30 because I eat 5 small meals a day vs 3 big ones. Also, I may be part hobbit.
  • I remember the cabbage soup diet. Pretty sure you lost weight by becoming dehydrated from all the pooping you'd be doing from ingesting that much cabbage.
  • I eat the same thing every day for breakfast: 1/2 cup scrambled egg whites with cheddar, served on top of a slice of sara lee light 45 calorie bread, toasted. Comes in around 225 calories. Super filling and has protein, fat, and fiber for long satiety.
  • Egg whites, spicy mustard, sauerkraut, frozen berries, seltzer water, oven roasted veggies (I found out I could do this with frozen and it has been a revelation!), Halo Top, Sara Lee Light 45 calorie bread, sugar free jello. I like to eat so finding room for more food in my daily caloric intake has evolved into an art form.