PLGlass131 Member


  • @Rhiannon0816 I would but I count carbs instead of calories, and I don't trust myself to just eat one bite. lol It's just easier to distract myself with something else. I did make some low carb brownies last night to help cut the craving though. :)
  • @Rhiannon0816 Your resistant is way better than mine, i have no self control once I eat one bad thing. I get way out of hand, especially one the weekends. Mon-Fri I am so busy it is easy to keep myself in strict eating plan, but the weekends end up being a free for all. lol Working on that too. Ugh weeding planning is the…
  • Where do I find MCT oil? whole foods, trader joes, publix, ect.?
  • @retro_belle24 it means heavy whipping cream
  • @Dragonwolf onwolf I'll try tweaking it on the calculator to 100g. I thought 83g was a little low for the amount of fat it wanted me to eat. After I posted this, I read something stating that as long as my fat intake is more than my protein that I should be ok as well.
  • @Dragonwolf Thank you for clarifying, I understand now. I was lost there for a moment. lol Adjusting MFP now to this. I had never read or had someone explain the pound of fat thing before, so that made a lot more sense once you did.
  • @Dragonwolf I kinda get your math but then again I don't. I'm not really sure how to get the 500. Is there something on the calculator I need change to get a deficit of 500. When looking at the 3 pie charts at the bottom, its states Weight Management-2215, Your Target-1008, and Deficit - 1207. Where do I get this other…
  • I have like 85 pounds to go to get to my final goal weight of 140lb. Could be why it set me at such a low calorie goal. I did the projected weight loss thing at the bottom of the calculator, and it does have me increasing my calories once I get to around 163lbs
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ your the best! I swear you have been like my Keto Guru as I'm trying to learn how to do this correctly. lol The deficit amount is 1207 kcal, but I don't entirely understand what that amount is. I was reading the page and it just kept saying deficit, but never really explained what that is. Math and number is…
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ I am using the ankler one that someone had given me the link to the other day. Is there a better one?
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ I was thinking so to, but I checked everything I input, and didn't notice anything wrong. If you don't mind, Is there anyway I can send it to you, and let you look at it to make sure I did it right?
  • @camtosh Omg I tried the recipe you posted and they are heaven!!! like little cheese cake bites.
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ They weren't suggested directly to me. I was reading different articles about doing IF, and some of them suggested to eat them during my eating to help stay full. I am still eating regular meals during my allotted time, but I thought about popping a few fat bombs as well to keep from getting that starving…
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ I am doing IF for the next 5 days, and I saw eating fat bombs were suggested.
  • @ms_smartypants I will definitely try to unsalted butter thing. I have seen so many good recipes but then I get to where it says coconut and have to walk away. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • @kirkor I may try the 18/6 then. I already dont eat after 4pm each day. The only other thing I don't get with IF is do you do it everyday or like for a week then go back to normal just LCHF. I have read of people doing both so I am not which is correct.
  • I know it stays to only drink water during the 20 hours but can I have green tea as well?
  • @baconslave Final question, Am I suppose to still be trying to hit my food intake goals during that 4 hours or only eat enough to be satisfied?
  • @baconslave I usually eat about 1500 cals and 15-20 net carbs a day. Most of the time I have to force my self to eat that much to make sure I get enough to support my exercise. Do I need to maybe eat one meal at the beginning of the four hours and one meal towards the end or just eat small meals throughout the 4 hours.
  • I would only suggest like one cheat meal a month, which I know is hard. I struggle with it all the time, partly bc when I eat one bad thing I usually end up pigging out. I finally had to say no more this week, and told my husband not to even ask or suggest anything bad to eat, so I can stay on track. I look at it as out of…
  • I've always been told to divide your body weight in half and that is how many ounces you should drink a day, but I struggle to do that. I just mainly try to drink only throughout the day other than my morning green tea. I find it easier to make sure I drink my water if I leave the cap of my bottle. I dont know why, it just…
  • I typically eat several meals a day. I usually eat 2 eggs at 6:30am, 3 sausage links around 8:30am, Lunch at 11am, sometimes a snack around 2:30pm if needed, and dinner at 4pm. It really depends on what I have planned meal wise that day, and the amount of calories needed to support my workouts that day.
  • I love low carb, and it works a lot better than anything I ever tried, which is a lot. I have tried everything from low calorie to vegetarian, and I always ended up feeling like I'm starving all day. With low carb I don't feel that way, so no matter what they say its what works for me. Heck, low carb definitely helps me…
  • @_benjammin No medical reason, it just what works for me. I've tried low calorie, and even vegetarian for a while, but low carb has seemed to the only thing that I can stay committed to. I don't feel like I'm starving with low carb, and I've lost a good bit with it. I did have my calorie goal set at 1200 and was barely…
  • @_benjammin I know I was under eating, and have been working hard the last couple of days to make sure I close as I can to the 1,550 calorie MFP set for me while still staying low carb. It's not that I am feeling over exhausted or burnt out from my work outs, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing more than I should.
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ besides coconut oil are there other things I can use to pan fry me besides butter or vegetable oil? I'm allergic to coconut.
    in Help!!! Comment by PLGlass131 March 2016
  • @moe0303 Never have considered the high fat thing. I don't purposely try to eat low fat. I know part of staying full on low carb is eating fat ,so I stay away from things labeled low fat. What is the difference? @deksgrl I will try to lay off the PB&J bar. My manager is terrible about eating chocolate right in front of me,…
    in Help!!! Comment by PLGlass131 March 2016
  • @tlflag1620 I will definitely try to real butter thing. I mostly use if for cooking my eggs in and wasn't even sure if I am suppose to log it or not. lol I always forget to log that I take Benefiber in the morning as well, just to make sure I'm getting plenty of fiber. I spend most of my time trying to find new things to…
    in Help!!! Comment by PLGlass131 March 2016
  • @moe0303 I typically weigh myself every Thursday right after using the bathroom majority of time. However, this morning I realize I hadn't done it until I had already eaten breakfast so it could have be a whole pound rather than .9lb. Not sure as far as the inaccuracies in logging. Sometimes the things I cook aren't always…
    in Help!!! Comment by PLGlass131 March 2016
  • @deksgrl Ya'll should be able to view it now....please dont think I'm a weirdo,but I go ahead log all my food for the day first thing in the morning so I dont stray from it. lol
    in Help!!! Comment by PLGlass131 March 2016