double_dash88 Member


  • Tacklewasher - I just had to check your profile to make sure you weren't my husband - he could write the EXACT same post. Great hearing everyone's stories!
  • Have you been to your doctor to have your levels tested? I've been anemic for years and years and no matter how hard I try to hit iron goals with food, I just can't seem to turn those levels around. If you're vegetarian there's an even higher chance you're going to be low iron and it's really hard on your body. For most…
  • I've done level 2 3 times now and it's not getting any easier or more tolerable! So many planks!
  • Is there a chance that it could be caused by your breathing? I find that when I do cardio I need to focus on breathing in through my nose. Otherwise, I end up panting in and out through my mouth and my mouth gets so dry I feel like I need more water. I feel way less thirsty when I take more controlled, deep breaths!
  • Completed level 1 day 9 tonight! The timing actually worked out great - I'm expecting level 2 to be hard so I can have the weekend to hobble around and be back to normal for work on Monday :) How is everyone else doing? How scared should I be for part 2?
  • Day 8 finished! It's my TOM and I took a rest day yesterday. Was tempted to be lazy again today too but I figured that the feeling of finishing the workout would be way better than the feeling of being lazy on my couch. Wasn't the best, most intense workout but now it's a FINISHED one! Woo Hooo!
  • Hi everyone! Checking in before I sign off for the night. Had an unplanned rest day yesterday but back on the wagon tonight. Just squeezed in day 6 of level one and stayed under my calories, too! Hope everyone had a great weekend :) Good luck as we get back into the grind tomorrow. We can do it!
  • This was going to be my suggestion too. She breaks down the price of the meal too and tends to use common ingredients that you either already have on hand or can use to make a bunch of different things. (Though, I'm in Canada and can never, ever, ever, ever, find the meat and dairy products for even twice the price that…
    in $20 Comment by double_dash88 July 2016
  • Believe me, new weights are high on my priority list for things to do this weekend! I'm in Canada so shipping for things like that on Amazon is unreal. I wonder how to track "lugging a bunch of dumbbells around the store like a maniac" to my tracker :D That's a good suggestion about the soup cans in the meantime. On the…
  • Oh man - for me it's my calves and the jump rope. Starting to get better now but the first three days were horrible. I've also been using 8lb dumbells because that's all I have at the house, but find them too heavy for some of the movements (those horrible front raises with the side lunge? shudder!) so I've been doing the…
  • I'd love to join too!
  • I'm in! I have a long way to go but my 1st real goal is to lose 28 lbs before my 28th birthday in October. 20 by September would be a great mini-step! SW: 219 CW: 219 GW: 199(!)
  • I'm in - started on July 4th and (feeling the pain) on day 3 today. Will take my measurements tonight before I do the workout!
  • I'm thinking about getting the blaze too but am wondering about the different bands. Does anyone know if you can replace them with regular watchbands (like with the pin in it) or can you only use the fitbit designed ones?
  • My mini goal is to be able to wear my "warm weather" work wardrobe comfortably again! Thinking that will be about 15 - 20 lbs from now.
  • I've been living in dresses - I find they're the most adaptable to different sizes (especially with the help of a belt to cinch in the middle!) Buying bras is actually the worst thing ever so I feel you there :(
  • I'm on day 2 of level 1 and am looking forward to actually completing the whole program this time. I lost about 15 lbs before my wedding doing the shred 3 years ago but never completed level 3. I have gained it all back since then (and then some) so am starting from scratch!
  • I'm with you too! I think I've been "trying to lose" since I hit high school but it finally clicked that NOW is the time to make it happen. Good luck!!
  • Hey ladies - I'm Sarah and am glad I found you all. I'm a few days late to the game but just completed Day 2. Trying to actually complete the 30DS this time after a few false starts in the past!