Haha happy birthday to you too!! Yes it's a great list, but unfortunately they don't sell any of the lower carb IPA' (on the list) around my neck of the woods. I hear ya though, I haven't had an IPA in over a month. It's the only thing I miss!
Do the other features seem to be accurate?
Your still hot...I wouldn't worry about it : )
Best of luck Jane. You've got this! Adding you now
I just pulled the trigger and bought one! Everyone who has mentioned the Shine has said that it doesn't track steps while driving. Definitely worth a shot, and it won't break the bank!
Unfortunately I tried just sticking it in my pocket. I didn't have much luck going that route either.
Just a little out of my price range! Thanks though!
Interesting. So I'm assuming you've tested it. That's good to hear knowin you drive a bouncy truck!
crap. Not what I was hoping to hear! I was actually leaning towards one. Thank you for your honesty!
Yes I tried Drivebit. Even though it says that drive time was registered successfully, when I check the Fitbit app, it still shows my unaccounted steps. It doesn't seem to make any adjustments.
Thank you but I've tried EVERYTHING. The Change HR and FedEx trucks just don't get along! : ( I'm surprised because my truck is actually a pretty smooth ride.
Does your Fitbit One seem pretty accurate as far as counting steps that it should? The last clip on tracker I had (not a very good one) wouldn't register all my steps. I would test it by taking like 30 steps, and then check it. It would say I had only taken maybe 15 or so.
Thank you for the replies! Any suggestions on a good "clip" tracker?
Yes I have, and yes they are! Unfortunately they are aware of the glitch and there isn't much they can do about it (except refund my money) Driving in a FedEx truck all day is going to register some extra steps regardless. Thank you for replying though!
Hi, does it track steps while driving? My Fitbit Charge has a big problem with that!
Yes Oddly, I agree with you and Nif as well.Some people's post aren't even worthy of a response as far as I'm concerned.
Actually I am never standing while the vehicle is moving. I am the only one in the truck, so it would be disastrous if I tried to! Lol Yes, I'm just referring to when I am sitting and driving.
Wow interesting Gale. So glad you are improving!
Hey thanks! Yes the job does require minimal (in my opinion) agility and some physical requirements. I am currently a Fedex delivery driver, and I know the new job will come nowhere close to the agility and physical activity that my current job requires! Yes, it does seem a bit intrusive to me also. But hey, that's New…
Hello all! Quick question... I honestly feel I have passed the Keto flu stage for good! I feel fine, no headaches, no sore throat, nothing. I'm now wondering if/when I should stop taking the magnesium supplement, and the "ketoaid " drink I have been drinking daily to supplement my potassium and sodium? I've been drinking…
You look great! I mean....damn!! ; )
If it ain't broke...don't fix it! Congrats!
Good for you!! So jealous that your going to Puerto Rico!!
Congrats man that is awesome! I'll definitely add you!
I am in it for the long haul as well. So awesome that there are so many others with the same goal! Best of luck and request accepted!
Good stuff @drwilseyjr!
That's all we can do is try. Our hardest! Good luck to you and I'm sure you'll do fine! ; )
Best of luck to you @detti777!! : )
congrat on the weight loss! Your definitely doing something right. I hear you with the gout man. I suffer as well. Thank god the medicine has been working for me (knock on wood) it's nothing short of a miracle that I've been able to deliver packages for Fedex for the last year with no flair ups. Best of luck to you!
Definitely! Let's do it. I'm glad your feeling better man. Keep it up!