perkymommy Member


  • I've had an ED and you know when you have one. I got so thin that I didn't realize it at the time. When I was in my late teens I was in the 60-70 lb range. When I was 40 years old I weighed 99 lbs. Now I'm 50 and can't seem to lose a pound and stuck at 155ish. I hate it. I'd rather be around 125-130 for a realistic goal…
  • It's tough. I usually end up quitting when I get to that point. I've done so well in past years but now that I'm 50 it's so hard to lose weight. I can't figure it out. But I do try to remember to weigh as much of my food as possible, make sure to always track every BLT (bite, lick and taste) and remember that our bodies…
  • If they didn't charge so much each month I'd go back to Weight Watchers. I actually lost really well on their plan. MFP I do lose but it's very, very slow. I would stay at WW and see if you can get lifetime there and that means you get the program free at that point or at least it used to. And WTG on the weight loss!…
  • agree. not to mention IF she is eating food every day (lol) that stuff has to go somewhere til it's moved on elsewhere.
  • exactly! Me thinks she started this thread to get a lot of "you look great" type of comments anyway. :D
  • I think you look fine. Your body is doing way more than just worrying about weight loss. You are very thin. I'm 4'11" and would be skin and bones at 115 and you're 5'3?? If you've had 4 kids then I think you're bragging at this point. Not too many people can have 1 kid and get away with having a little bit of a belly in…
  • I don't see anything wrong with it but in the mid 80s when I was in high school I had no MFP or way to track calories anywhere at the time and still managed to be anorexic for many years on my own. :neutral: If there's a will there's a way. I only wish I would have had something like this available to me back then so I…
  • I must be weird cause at almost 50 years old I've lost very few socks over the years. lol I have worse luck with misplacing lids that go with plastic containers. :D :D
  • When I got to goal a couple of years ago I did it within 5 months. I started in January. That year we got quite a bit of snow so I was outside sledding with the kids a lot and walking on my treadmill regularly. I continued through that summer but by mid May that year I was at my goal weight. I was able to do it by eating…
  • I'm 4'11" and my belly is so big I look like I'm 6 months pregnant on an average day. You have no belly fat. Maybe you need to see a therapist? :(
  • Agree. I read somewhere recently that said a healthy BMI is between 25-30. You sound like you are underweight. Maybe you should seek advice from your doctor? Sounds like you have are seeing something that isn't there. I used to be anorexic for years and saw myself as big when I was underweight and stayed under 100 lbs for…
  • Maybe if you go on the show Naked & Afraid, but I doubt it otherwise. You would literally have to go hungry each day.
  • Don't exercise and give yourself time to heal. Make healthy food choices and stay within your calories each day.
  • I'm 4'11" and started at 160. Down to 155. Feel free to add me if you'd like! SW 160, CW 155, GW 125
  • I try to keep in mind that my body has other stuff going on other than my eating and exercising but yes usually if I eat something out from a restaurant or frozen meals I get bloated for sure. It should come off in a couple days. I wouldn't eat that way every single day but it should be fine.
  • I just returned as well. I lost 25 lbs two years ago on MFP and then regained it back and then a little more on top of that. :blush: So I'm back to stick with it this time. We can do this!
  • You may have to cut back on the lunch dates and time revolving around food if she isn't willing to do the same as you. You can get in to the right mindset to not eat like she eats but it may be hard. I have 3 kids and a husband that all eat the way they want so it does take a strong will to stick at it. But I always end up…
  • I do it too. I've done it for the last couple years years. I lost down to my goal weight by 2016 and stayed for about 9 months then gained it all back that winter. I know I can do it but keep getting on track then off again then on then off. So I know your pain all too well. I "allow" life to get in the way.
  • I think it could be a good thing to some. My stepdaughter is 10 and weighs 130 lbs. She would likely enjoy wearing something like that and feel like it would help her. Her doctor isn't any help at all. They never encourage her to exercise. They just say get in 1 hour of exercise per day even if it's dancing in the…
  • Mine has mentioned it before especially if I bring it up and say I know I need to lose weight. I have arthritis and of course it would be better on my knees to cut back and lose some weight.
  • male or female I would think it would depend on the person. I walk in the early afternoon usually so it's most likely after having two major meals that day but not always. Just depends. But some people are fine getting up to work out at 4 or 5am whereas others have to wait til later in the day which would be after a meal…
  • I don't refer to them as cheat days. I do allow myself to eat a little more on weekends.
  • I like to eat out. My biggest problem has been in the past that I eat like I think I'm never going to eat that food/meal again in my life. I pig out. So I end up just picking a side salad with soup or a couple sides off a menu. I don't HAVE to have a huge burger or chicken sandwich or what have you. I know beforehand I…
  • I like most veggies but for me it's been radishes. I hated them growing up. I will not eat them raw. They tasted spicy and bitter. Now I put them in a roast in the place of potatoes because once they are cooked they taste very good, no hot or bitter taste and just taste plain almost like a white potato.
  • This. Just prepare and take your own meals and feel confident in the fact that you planned ahead and over time you will begin to see the results from doing that.
  • This. I used to do Weight Watchers and know for a fact they were allowing me somewhere between 1000-1100 per day because I used them along with this site for about three months. I always came up right around 1200 on here but on their site my points would add up to more so I'd have to cut back on calories to make it lower…
  • If I could go back to 2009 and track while I was pregnant back then I would. I was so thin and healthy and got unexpectedly pregnant with #3 that year. I had been maintaining a weight loss for 5 years up until that point. I've yo-yo'd up and down the last 8 years. I'm at my highest ever. I hate that I ever got off track…
  • I'm planning to go on vacation for a week 13 hours from home. I do plan to still make good choices and not overeat or go overboard because I KNOW how miserable I will feel after eating too much. I also will be in pools and the ocean or walking a lot so that will help balance out the food I eat. I will be exercising more…
  • If you are where you can use a food scale then take it apart and weigh the meats and cheese if possible. If not, then look up something on the list on MFP that is most closely related and use that. I have to do that a lot of times when I eat out.