Skipeople Member


  • Do you not eat much during the day because you aren't hungry? You may want to try small snacks throughout the day. I'm not a breakfast person, but I always make sure to eat before work (at lunch as I'm part time) to hold me over until dinner. I get tempted with fast food and frozen junk on tough workdays, but there are a…
    in Lisa Comment by Skipeople March 2016
  • I really hope you are feeling well given the circumstance and that you have people close by cheering you on to better health. Part of my motivation is knowing my family doesn't have the best luck when it comes to health and I want to battle my current risk factors. I'm 24 and currently 258. I'm sorry this happened to you…
  • Congrats on reaching your goal! Maintanice is definitely a challenge sometimes because it's easy to slack off. Just remember to check what you eat and get in some basic daily exercise. Don't forget to treat yourself though!!
  • Sir, I give you a virtual hug for that amazing clickbait title! :p I can't say I'm a huge fan of SW as I haven't read any of the books or seen any movie since the 90s as a child. I'm on neutral ground, I suppose. BUT, I at least know the characters you mentioned, so that's worth something, right? I too have a big weight…
  • Thank you for your kind words. It's a shame so many of us suffer from these issues, but society doesn't accept food coping, binge eating, and food addiction as real issues. I am glad we have both found this community with like minded people dealing with similar issues. I will definitely add you and hopefully we can support…
  • Hello :) Just started an hour ago (app anyway!). I'm vegetarian myself (going on 14 years), but a pretty crappy one the last 5 years or so . . . way too much junk! It'd be great to have a motivator too!