
Trying to lose 25-30 pounds. I do kickboxing at least 4 days a week but i have a problem with my eating. Picky eater don't eat much during day while at work but eat dinner but not the right stuff. Any one help me??


  • Skipeople
    Skipeople Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2016
    Do you not eat much during the day because you aren't hungry? You may want to try small snacks throughout the day. I'm not a breakfast person, but I always make sure to eat before work (at lunch as I'm part time) to hold me over until dinner.

    I get tempted with fast food and frozen junk on tough workdays, but there are a lot of simple meals you can make quick at home. I love using steamed veggies because it holds in the nutrients better and is so simple to do fast and easy. Grains like rice and quinao are great with beans and veggies and they can be the whole meal, main dish, or a side with meat.

    Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad food day and don't forget to treat yourself. Baby steps. Eat at least one healthy meal per day and move from there or eat healthy fruits and veggies as snacks throughout the day if you know you are gonna have not so great meals later.