Hollisg429 Member


  • Thank you very much. It's a journey for sure.
  • Thanks all. I think it is the stigma connected to the whole "fast food". And yes, it was really yummy!!! Maybe not as good as the 20 pound loss I have going, but yes it was good. :)
  • It has been a few days since I posted and yet to get relief. I upped my fat intake, good fats and also a bit more water. I am thinking a daily supplement may be needed. . Mimonis is one that was mentioned, is this a daily supplement? I have been on probiotics for over a year, suggestion by my general physician. Any other…
  • It is one of the hardest parts for me. I have came to the conclusion to do exactly what you do, log as best you can. Eating out unfortunately is a part of our life, birthdays, anniversary parties etc. We are all in this battle for life. I exercise a bit more on days I'm going out and eat low cal most of day. Don't be so…
  • Seems like a lot if calories burned. I do nearly the same and only get a 450-500 burn
  • Going to try more fat, I am willing to try anything. Just when I say it isn't bothering me, it starts to feel uncomfortable. Probably in my head
  • I have been averaging around 30 grams of fat. I even ate prunes yesterday. Guess I will give it time, maybe this is a new norm