I live in Red Lion Pa. 8 miles south of York Pa.
My name is Nathan . Congrats on the weight loss up to this point. I can See you have the drive to finish your journey .
I have been dealing with this for 15 years post lower lumbar fusion at L5S1 and three separate times of breaking my back .I'm sorry , but you often have to just deal with the pain because people (docs) just think your drug seeking. A lot is mind over matter, focus on what you want to accomplish that moment . After 15 years…
Good luck
Thanks for the info . Watch out for the triglycerides , that is what got me in my situation . That and being lazy!!
Thank you so much for the information . What I truly need is someone to check up on me and keep my motivation up! I am working with a dietitian that my doc hooked me up with, but really didn't think about a therapist .
Hey , I did not gain weight after a car accident . My problems came from an on the job accident that resulted in a lower lumbar fusion in my back. I gained weight and now have a heart condition and chronic pain syndrome , depression , and PTSD . Trying to lose weight and need help !
Hi , just thought I would put my two cents in. I am 42 years old and fight chronic pain after two failed back surgeries . I haven't worked for almost a year to falling and breaking my back for the third time. I also just in the last two months had a heart attack and had a heart cath/angioplasty with two stents placed in…