d_nadal Member


  • How was it for you
  • This dude Anthony that posted looks like. A 115 pound female so disregard his input please
  • Eat healthy, and do a hundred squats 4 times a week with no weight. I guarantee this will work as it did for me. After you get better at doing more reps bump it up to 150 and keep going
  • You could do something simple like do your normal workout routine, BUT do 100 reps of each exercise with light weight. This is something I do once a month to get my muscle fibers confused and gain strength and stamina. I dunno what your looking to do but it's def high intensity. If you can only do 30 reps you rest for 70…
  • Ok thanks, just wondering I've been on it for 3 years and I'm about to get off of it I just wanted to hear people's advice but I will get blood test done when I come off
  • Simply doing what you do with the barbell but you can use anything in place of a dumbbell or barbell like a paint can with handle. A broom.... Anything you can hold like a bar but just do more reps like a 100 reps
  • You should get in the push up position while on your knees first.. Put something down on the ground where you want your hands to go so that your even. The closer together the eaiser it will be for you. Just breath in going down and then exhale on your way up. Keeping your body stiff and just bending your arms.
  • That's great you are walking And everything... Honestly what had worked for me is an actual cardio workout meaning constantly moving and sweating... Like really sweating. I could burn 2000 calories walking at work but that won't make me loose weight. Step it up and run with the dogs on the beach or go hiking up a trail…
  • You need to a the very least start doing push ups, pull ups and squats or leg workouts as well as a healthy diet with plenty of fish, meat, poultry... If you don't train you won't be putting weight on where you want it. Plus your really tall.. The pull-ups will def help broaden your back and shoulders. I recommended at…