Weight not coming off.


Started March 8th, I track EVERYTHING. I was using the step counter to track cal burned but finally got my polar working again so now I can track everything properly.

I'm 5'6 and 159lbs and i only want to lose 10lbs lol like come on!!!! So i track and track and track. Eat mostly whole foods, really ahifted my patturn of eating and what it is i eat to a more healthier route (not that i wasnt eating healthy before) and ive lost one stupid pound! One pound!

What am i doing wrong? I dont hit the gym because it becomes a very unhealthy obsession for me, so i run with my dogs and walk them twice a day for about an hour each time. From Friday to Sunday I burned approx 1600 cal from walking and running so I am quite active I beleive.

Can someone help me please!!!!


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You are eating too much, or you would be losing weight....
  • jamyriddell
    jamyriddell Posts: 5 Member
    I'm eating 1500 cal...
  • jamyriddell
    jamyriddell Posts: 5 Member
    And i measure and weigh my food so i know if i do go over
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You arent, or you would be losing weight...
  • jamyriddell
    jamyriddell Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks tips..
  • gold5002009
    gold5002009 Posts: 9 Member
    What else do you do besides running and walking the dog? Do you have a desk job? This could mean youre not burning enough cals to give you a big enough deficit from what youre eating.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Once I get my numbers put in and I am tracking everything I eat and drink my MFP calories are pretty much spot on. If I run a slight deficit I consistently lose weight. I feel that somewhere you are eating more calories than you think. When estimating meals out or home cooked always use the higher calorie number because the lower estimates are usually wrong. Many times I have looked at a meal estimate in MFP and said "No way that's right". Be careful with your 1600 calories burned estimate and don't eat all back. It takes me about 7 miles running to burn 1000 calories according to Runtastic app.
  • CathyBarnett2012
    CathyBarnett2012 Posts: 4 Member
    If you are walking 2 times a day for an hour. Try eating 100 calories over your limit. I struggled for over 2 months and didn't loose a pound. I was eating about 100 calories less then what I was suppose to be and NOT EATING BACK my calories for the 6-7 kms I walk every day. I remember someone telling me you have to eat to loose weight. For the past week I have hate 100 calories over my 1500 that I am allowed ( MFP actually says I have lots left due to the calories gained back for walking) and its working! When I say eat extra calories that doesn't mean junk food. I have a boiled egg, handful of mixed nuts, Greek yogurt, or fruit. It seems to be working for me. Maybe it will work for you also.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Read this thread:

    Relatively light people trying to get leaner

    If you are confident in your logging then you will have to train that most problematic of muscles: the patience muscle.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member

    Started March 8th, I track EVERYTHING. I was using the step counter to track cal burned but finally got my polar working again so now I can track everything properly.

    I'm 5'6 and 159lbs and i only want to lose 10lbs lol like come on!!!! So i track and track and track. Eat mostly whole foods, really ahifted my patturn of eating and what it is i eat to a more healthier route (not that i wasnt eating healthy before) and ive lost one stupid pound! One pound!

    What am i doing wrong? I dont hit the gym because it becomes a very unhealthy obsession for me, so i run with my dogs and walk them twice a day for about an hour each time. From Friday to Sunday I burned approx 1600 cal from walking and running so I am quite active I beleive.

    Can someone help me please!!!!


    If you think you're definitely logging and tracking everything properly, double check.

    Your calorie burn for walking sounds high, calorie burn estimates on here and elsewhere for activities tend to be way over. So that is probably your culprit.
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    You aren't eating enough and your body is going into "Starvation Mode"
    You're building muscle and it weighs more than fat...

    Just kidding.

    Make sure you're accurately measuring your calorie intake. Accuracy is key. I assume you're counting your salad dressing and mayonnaise and the oil you cook with...all of it counts.
    I don't think you need to pay so much attention to the calories you burn through exercise. Firstly, it's next to impossible to accurately measure that. Secondly, if you're like me...you'll use that as an excuse to eat more!

    I wish you the best of luck.
  • nolajmac
    nolajmac Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, there's a TON of misinformation on here. No one can tell you are doing wrong until you know your own body chemistry. People say burn more than you eat, like it's that simple for everyone and it's NOT!- you should talk to a nutritionist to find out what your body needs to exist - online calculators can be way off. Do you know how much muscle you have and how many calories you burn at rest? if you have less muscle compares to fat in your body, then you can probably eat less and lose weight. But if you have MORE muscle than body fat, you have a different opportunity, and eating less will probably have the opposite effect, like it does for me. Then the kicker - are you trying to lose FAT or WEIGHT?? Weight loss can = muscle and water loss, which you probably DON'T want. if you want to just lose fat, then it's TOTALLY possible that your body mass can decrease but the pounds on the scale can increase ( like I lost 2 dress sizes, but not a SINGLE pound on the scale). So don't beat yourself up hun, just try to find answers from more reliable sources. My dietician teaches me to feed my muscle, and worry about how my clothes fit, NOT the scale. The scale changes every hour, LOL!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    nolajmac wrote: »
    are you trying to lose FAT or WEIGHT?? Weight loss can = muscle and water loss, which you probably DON'T want. if you want to just lose fat, then it's TOTALLY possible that your body mass can decrease but the pounds on the scale can increase ( like I lost 2 dress sizes, but not a SINGLE pound on the scale). So don't beat yourself up hun, just try to find answers from more reliable sources. My dietician teaches me to feed my muscle, and worry about how my clothes fit, NOT the scale. The scale changes every hour, LOL!

    Right here.

    I know the scale is a tempting tool but maybe try measuring inches instead, you might find your change there.
  • d_nadal
    d_nadal Posts: 10 Member
    That's great you are walking And everything... Honestly what had worked for me is an actual cardio workout meaning constantly moving and sweating... Like really sweating. I could burn 2000 calories walking at work but that won't make me loose weight. Step it up and run with the dogs on the beach or go hiking up a trail with the dogs
  • jamyriddell
    jamyriddell Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the more aupportive advice. I do cook everything from scratch, even my bread. So i found it hard to track my appropriate cals on that, so i looked online. Maybe the est. Amount of cals just arnt correct so I will have to revisit that.

    Also, the 1600 cal from the weekend included yard work too lol we chopped a tree down, moved brush, chain sawed and stacked wood lol that burned alot of calories. I do walk trails with the pups, lots of hills up by my place. I try to switch up my "workout" so ill walk sometimes and then run the trails, do pavement running, go to my sisters and do other types of trail running.

    I'm just lost, i think i eat clean, and within my allotted calories, maybe I'll stop inputting my calories I burn and do more research on the food I'm eating? I kind of wish I ate out of a box so I can just use the scanner option lol i do want to say, i do feel better, i feel like my stomach doesnt hang out as much, and i see my arms are alightly more toned, so maybe the scale just isnt my friend. I only weigh myself once a week, Tuesdays right in the morning...to try and keep things consistant. I started at 160, then went to 158, 159 for two weeks, 158 again and then back to 159.

    I'll just have to revisit everything and really look to see wht I'm missing. thanks again, who would have thouught that to lose 10-15lbs would be so hard...