AliceinRealityLand Member


  • Just what it looks like. Three romaine leaves with a total of 1/2 cup of taco meat measured out and cheese on top. A slight drizzle of g Hughes sugar free ketchup
  • My husband became quite ill this year. He still is, and is unable to work, on oxygen, likely the rest of his life, and it was really MY wake up call. His weight has nothing to do with his illness, but what it did was make me see that we have four children at home who need me. I am currently overweight, but have none of the…
  • I recently re-started. I am a caretaker and the truth is I quit caring for myself so I put on the 30 lbs I had lost. I find that it is amazing how just clean eating and cutting things like sodas and fast food really seem to show results in a few weeks. I have a lot further to go, but for me, I allow for the things I love,…
  • I have a cheat day a week where I can have on meal of whatever I like. It makes me feel like I can have anything I want, really. It just feels like I am in control. I will note that after a couple of weeks, the cheat food doesn't seem to taste as good. This week we went to my husband's favorite place and I always get the…
  • Does your scales take batteries? I would replace those. If it is still doing it, it is time to buy a new scale. If you have the old fashioned kind with a dial, I would suggest investing in at least a medium quality digital scale. There are some nice ones that track everything for you.
  • I find MFP invaluable with helping me keep track. Also, there is nothing like tracking every single thing to make me WANT to stay on track. Sometimes I feel like there is already so much I am writing down since I write down every amount and ingredient including spices, so I can't bring myself to eat something truly…
  • IDK I personally like to eat a nice breakfast to kind of kick start everything. I typically saute some veggies and add an egg. Very filling and lasts me typically til lunchtime. My biggest thing with meal replacements are that a lot of them have soy in them which messes with hormones. I would say that a good quality shake…
  • I am forty and have 100 to lose. I have lost less than 10 thus far, but it is helping that the entire household is doing this with me. My husband has more than this to lose, but he is losing so much more doing the same things I am. Nature of the weight loss beast? IDK, but I am taking the one minute at a time concept at…
  • We have made the eating change for the entire family. Sure, the kids can handle a bowl of ice cream with no worries, but if it is in the house it is harder to resist. They can always eat something that I eat for sugar cravings in between, but otherwise, we have dessert once a week or so. That way, there is just enough for…
  • Good morning! I too, am a mom of 4, two boys, two girls.
  • Love this! This is already a successful journey, look at how far you have come!!
  • My husband is in the exact same boat right now but with an actual illness that his weight didn't cause but adds stress to his body. He is currently living on oxygen unable to do anything but eat healthy. You CAN do this! We are doing it together here, and in spirit with you! A wake up call is scary but a great motivator,…
  • For us, it is because certain foods cause inflammation. Maybe it doesn't cause inflammation in everyone, but if you are already prone, it does. My husband fell very ill, and to make a long story short, multiple doctors later they don't know what is causing it and ruled it an inflammatory disease. Doctors told him to cut…
  • I don't like them, personally. They make my heart race and make me irritable. Plus, I can't say they have expedited weight loss. Unrefined coconut oil is great for energy and raising metabolism. Because it is a medium chain fat it helps burn fat (you can google it and read up on it) I use it to make my eggs if eating them,…
  • Good Am! I have been on Fitness pal for several years now, but have never "stuck to" it. I am recently back because my husband has fallen ill, and we decided to do a family lifestyle change. This is my first time in the forums, and i know friends on the same journey is a great "stick to it" help! It is rainy here today…