What was the biggest sacrifice you had to make to lose weight?



  • justjennnnn
    justjennnnn Posts: 33 Member
    I totally loved peanut butter before MFP but can't part with that many calories. Maybe when I made it to my goal weight.
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    Drinking two glasses of whiskey a night. And it wasn't even like most people--I liked whiskey more than food, not the other way 'round, and so I would sacrifice something like 650 calories to have two glasses. Decided that may be technically doable, but it's also stupid, and I'm gonna get malnutrition, so I now have one glass like every 3 or 4 nights. It's been over a year and it's fine, but that's the habit I miss most, I have many different bourbons in my cabinet and love the different varieties, love trying them.
  • aaron_mc29
    aaron_mc29 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't really consider it a sacrifice, but I've swapped an hour of TV for a workout each evening. Feels like a much better use of my time!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Alcohol for me. I'm not great with stopping at one glass so it's easier not to. I will drink again at some point in the future but at the moment whilst I'm actively losing alcohol and weight loss don't mix for me.
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    I had to sacrifice the lie that I was happy being the size I was.
  • haugentimo
    haugentimo Posts: 33 Member
    Going Keto I had to give up carbs. I was on 90% carbs before. Now I am on <5%
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member

    Yes, I changed some things (like replacing regular soda with diet), but none of them were sacrifices. I still go out to eat just as much, and almost always have a treat once a day. I slowed down the frequency of eating certain things, but those are hardly sacrifices.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Watching tv, playing on the computer, staying up late
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    Down 86 and still eat the same stuff really, just cut back on fast food for the most part. Still happens, just fit it in when it does.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Personally eating out has always been difficult. Sometimes I'm driving to the restaurant and giving myself a pep-talk, "Yeah. Going to get the healthy option I already pre-logged!" and then I get there and it's like there's a disconnect and I end up getting some huge calorie bomb meal.

    So, in the beginning, I kind of stayed away from restaurants. It was tough at first because my fiance and I love going out on Fridays for happy hour or on the weekends to some new place. Now I have a bit more self-control and I've also gotten better with logging. So if I do choose that calorie bomb meal it's not going to set me back as far because I've been in a great deficit all week.
  • natalie3505
    natalie3505 Posts: 169 Member
    Feeling full ... and nachos. Oh, how I miss nachos! I refuse to give up alcohol, though. I don't log it either and I've still been losing an average of 1.4lbs a week so I'm going with it until that changes. It keeps me sane. :wink:

    Love your name! And I'm only on week 3, but I refuse to give up having 2 or 3 vodka/sparkling water drinks at night. I do a little more cardio to have them fit in my calories. I may feel differently if the weight doesn't come off, but for now, it's working for me.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I got rid of high expectations, the thought of instant gratification, and I also had to sacrifice money to buy new clothes that fit, lol.

    I did cut out regular soda and drank nothing but water for 6 months and then I incorporated diet soda. Other than that, I cut out nothing.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Was going to say I sacrificed portions that weren't sad. Then I said, aww screw it. I had the damn burger, fries, and chicken strips for dinner.... then I woke up in the middle of the night with a touch of indigestion because I ate too much at once. Soooo... yeah. I mean I can have all the things, just need to dial back the portions a bit and/or pace myself

    Still, the things missed would include just grabbing a massive handful of cashew nuts, peanuts, pecans, any kind really without regard for calorie counts and eating until the container is gone. When I'm mindful of calories, it's like four or five really sad nuts. Haven't ordered take out pizza in a LONG time, but I was mostly concerned I'd eat the whole thing alone. Plus the planning and pick up and everything is just a bit of a hassle, but I used to do it a LOT prior to being mindful of calories

    Other than that, most of the things I dialed back are making it back in. And it's so strange - it's almost like I'm discovering that I can moderate some items because I don't even really like them that much after all. And yet the whole time, they were this food item that I absolutely considered diet derailers at the back of my mind

  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Today it was the buttertarts squares. I skipped them and had 1/2 devilled egg and a piece of cucumber.... Later with a chef's salad I had a small ice cream bar. The difference? I knew exactly how much sugar/carb was in the small bar.
  • ashliweiss
    ashliweiss Posts: 7 Member
    Not being able to eat out with friends and partake in the greasy/cheesey/sugary foods! It's weird that eating unhealthy is a "bonding" experience.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    Oddly enough not food but a rash vest. Love these for swimming and when exercising regular I found a gorgeous billabong one. Sadly the months later it was so big it swirled around me in water.
    After a clothing clear out it went to charity shop, but never been able to find same one again. Have a couple of great ones now but still hoping to find another like that.
  • Cookiecanwin2013
    Cookiecanwin2013 Posts: 13 Member
    Where I eat out at and what I eat when I'm eating out.
  • eyeshinebright
    eyeshinebright Posts: 51 Member
    Emotional eating is a big one for me. Stress, boredom, sadness, you name it. I had to learn to listen to my actual hunger signals and find ways to ignore my emotional cravings. It's still difficult but if I can fit it into my calorie goals then sometimes I let it slide.

    I haven't fully sacrificed things like fast food but I find that I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. Can't beat a good gourmet pizza though haha.
  • AliceinRealityLand
    AliceinRealityLand Posts: 16 Member
    I have a cheat day a week where I can have on meal of whatever I like. It makes me feel like I can have anything I want, really. It just feels like I am in control. I will note that after a couple of weeks, the cheat food doesn't seem to taste as good. This week we went to my husband's favorite place and I always get the nachos. They honestly tasted gross. I am unsure why, but even he said his food didn't taste right. It was identical so I really think it is that my taste buds are appreciating better food choices. Now my dark chocolate always tastes good :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Not eating as much as I want is the sacrifice for me. I still eat everything I want... just not in quantities I would like.