markswife1992 Member


  • you should be VERY happy with that. I have barely lost 17 lbs and I've been at this working hard for a full year.
  • i agree. a baked potato plain is far superior to a fully loaded Caesar salad, far less calories, fat, etc. potatoes are actually a healthy food.
  • we are going out this Saturday with some friends from out of town. haven't seen them in months. i will eat anything i want and not count calories. i will also drink margartias, too. if it is less frequent than once per month, i won't log.
  • NO do not skip eating for the rest of the day. move-on with your meals as normal. here is what i once read: don't let one meal ruin your entire day don't let one day ruin your entire week don't let one week ruin your entire month don't let one month ruin your entire year each time you "slip" just resume your regular…
  • i will be honest, i love working out, weight-lifting, at the gym. it makes me feel so much better about myself, and after, i have so much energy. i love to sweat. the gym is full of men who are bulked-up and they inspire me. the women are heavy lifters, and i love to watch everyone out of the corner of my eye to get new…
  • i just made a HUGE cookie sheet full of roasted broccoli, carrots & zucchini with olive oil. it was about 135 cal/serving and it was so filling.
  • that's the great thing about being here - you can always find some help and support.
  • i HATE water. i tried flavoring it, which is fine but plain water, nope. so i got a water system at home which is like the kind you have at the office. i drink so much more - it tastes fine! it was my water at home all along. it's less than $10/month and i don't waste water bottles. plus i am drinking at least 60 oz a day,…
  • it is his job, but maybe he had 5 minutes left on his clock for the day and knew this would take more than that 5 min. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they are in customer service. maybe lighten the mood by saying, "oh, this is probably annoying but i'm trying to lose weight so every little ounce counts!" and…
  • i weigh anything with a peel or a pit WHOLE. eat what i want, go back and weigh everything left-over and subract grams from original.
  • I disagree. it's a mental thing for me. if I log 144 grams of pasta (like I did last night) I want EXACTLY 144 grams of pasta. I put in into a bowl and it measured 146 grams, so I took out one noodle to get it to 144 grams. to me, estimating gets me into trouble, if I fudge 10 grams here or there, it could end up being a…
  • A1C is more accurate. also, have it redone and ensure she actually was fasting.
  • hello - I was 200 lbs and I am having a very difficult time losing. I have a dress that I love that I used to wear, it is hanging in my closet on top of all my other clothes. every morning, I see that dress and I dream of when I can fit into it again. it makes passing on the donuts a bit easier :p (that was a joke for…
  • I weigh every day and log my weight every day BUT I do not change my fitness goals until I have lost (or gained) 5 lbs, then I will reevaluate to see if I need to change calorie goals, etc.
  • It is inevitable that when i am in a parking lot, i will park my car and there are literally 100 spaces, but someone will park RIGHT NEXT TO ME> this happens EVERY TIME i go somewhere, movies, grocery, mall, theme park, you name it. it is very annoying. treadmill? i would agree with the woman. it would bother me. BUT i…
  • I never knew it was debunked to eat/consume protein after lifting weights. I will have to look into that more. thanks for your input.
  • thank you gelato :smile:
  • wow is that a deep friend twinkie??? i could eat a bucket full of those!
  • i started working out because i have always had very skinny legs and arms. all my weight is carried in my mid-section. when i work-out with weight lifting, i feel better about myself and my arms and legs look more toned. honestly i don't think it does much in the way of losing weight, but i don't like the way i look/feel…
  • I use thighs for fajitas. they are so good when smoked and have so much more flavor than breast. I guess my favorite chicken is Popeye's fried chicken. LOL :p
  • my husband works M-F 5:30 a.m. to about 6:00 p.m. he goes to the gym at his lunch hour all five days per week. he does strength training mostly because it doesn't cause him to sweat as much as cardio, and he quickly showers and heads back to the office. he has been doing this for about 5 years now, and he looks amazing. it…
  • I just ate a granola bar and about 1/4 cup of almond milk. it fit in my calorie count for the day, and cured my craving for the donuts I wanted earlier. :smile:
    in Carbs Comment by markswife1992 June 2017
  • quiksylver: that is helpful to know - i'll bet you're right & that's what it is. thanks for sharing all your insight.
  • that's a good idea. I think I will find an average and stick for a month and see how it goes and reevaluate. thanks :smiley:
  • i like malted milk powder with frozen blueberries, a banana and some almond milk as a shake.
  • that is so kind of you to say. i actually have a hard time with that lately. your comment is greatly appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • from my research, i have found that high fat combined with high carbs can cause health issues (over a very long time period, such as donuts/pastries every meal) but i haven't found any negative information on high protein. i think everyone has different macros depending on their goals. HTH :smile:
  • i stopped drinking dairy milk and started using almond or soy milk. i like the taste and i has fewer calories.