at least 1 date
If you feel good in a bikini, wear a bikini! It's that simple.
I think you need to change you're lifestyle a bit more for a real effect - It's great you're eating healthier and that you're walking but you have to maintain it and perhaps count calories? It's helping me a lot to keep track of what I eat.
Ohh I've got one I've been struggling with. I'm almost 30, 5'2 and 132 lbs with 26% body fat.. How do I know when I'm fit and when to start to eat to maintain weight?
True but it's an awesome one TNP skipped the gym today
First time I see him so no.
You're on ;)
Pole dancer arms.. So yes.. most likely
False TNP speaks 2 or more languages
Ever heard people complaining that the first place they loose fat on is their leg then their *kitten*? Well in most cases, not all, you'll start to loose weight on you're legs and *kitten*, then arms and last boobs, tummy and back. You can't really do anything to force fat from the area of your choosing unless you get a…
When I had a scale I used it daily.. Turns out I was doing it wrong. It's much better to use the mirror, you're clothes and a measurement tape to track the fat loss. Don't be to focused on you're weight or when to weight in, you'll gain muscles and loose fat but muscles are heavier :D
Nice back
False - I just find it disgusting TNP has gone whale watching
ote] Looks like my high school crush
Love Sleeping in a tent
New to me
Not yet
Beard ❤
I lol-ed haha Perfect
Wow she could be one of the Kardashian sisters
Great smile
False - Love em! TNP is scared of snakes
White Tiger
Eyes :* :*