meaganseafit Member


  • Pure Grinding - Aviici
  • Oh girl, planks are the devil when it comes to costo! It's even caused it in some people! Please stay away from the plank - there are much better exercises out there. Form is everything when it comes to exercising with costo but you'll have to take it easy at the beginning anyway. I'd suggest looking for a trainer in your…
  • You need to make sure you're eating! If you're not providing yourself energy (calories) then how can you expect to be full of energy and not tired all the time? I think once you start getting some nutrients in you'll start to feel a little better. Seek professional advice if you're feeling malnourished or having trouble…
  • Girl you need to eat more! Maybe try training a little more intensely with your weights rather than cardio. If 1200 calories is keeping you at the same weight your metabolism needs a little TLC. You could also be in starvation mode - what were your eating habits like previously? If you train with weights a little more…
  • Just make sure your form is on point when your working out and you should be fine. If you've just worked out a group of muscles you've never worked on before, it's probably gonna hurt for a few days! Them DOMS will getchya if you're not careful. Just make sure you're doing some stretching on whatever muscle group you…
  • Whichever is closer to your goal - or whichever you prefer! If you're trying to run a marathon, maybe do cardio first since that is more goal oriented for you. If you're looking to build a leaner physique, then do weights first! I prefer weights first because that's where I want to spend my energy and cardio is just used…
  • I agree that this might be best addressed by a medical professional - but high protein foods could help. I love my sweets, so I make protein pancakes. One scoop of chocolate (or whatever flavour you like) protein, one serving of pancake mix, one egg, a bit of cashew milk (or whatever kind of milk, or water, etc.) until…
  • Weight training! Please try weight training! You'll get so many more benefits and you see amazing changes. You need to build a little lean body mass to speed up your metabolism so you don't have to diet as hard. Running is pretty tough on your body, so for longevity purposes I'd try a little resistance training. :) It'll…
  • Oh dear. Proteins cannot turn in to carbs... If they meant it can store as fat if you have excess, then I mean technically yes - but the hope is that you actually use the fuel you're providing to yourself. Your body loves to store excess energy as fat for future use - it's not particularly interested in how it looks - it's…
  • I always get hip pain after walking - maybe try the elliptical? It's usually a bit kinder to your joints. Otherwise just work on strengthening your muscles in that area (your hip flexors, adductors/abductors, glutes, hams, and quads, etc) and make sure you STRETCH! Ice right after your walk if it's really bugging you, but…
  • When is your show? I'm doing one in November! It's not NPC because I live in Canada, but if you want some support I'll be starting prep in July :)
  • Make a smoothie with it! But you can really use it anywhere you would use regular milk :)
  • I like making salad with chicken and whatever veggies are currently on sale haha. I usually buy a head of iceberg lettuce and cut it up so it's "shredded" (adds more volume to the meal) and then cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, or whatever kind of other veggies happen to be on sale at the time. :)
  • Protein shakes are an awesome way to get in some extra protein without all the carbs - but careful with the calories on some of them! I usually make a protein smoothie bowl at the end of the day with either ice or frozen fruit, a scoop of protein, and some cashew milk - it's basically ice cream and it's amazing!
  • If it's frozen, I'd check the packaging! See what the serving size information says and see if it says "cooked" or not :)
  • Technically, it does not matter where your calories come from if your sole goal is weightloss. But, to actually keep your energy up, and feel good and maintain your health - it's probably best to eat mostly whole foods. I'm all for throwing in some poptarts and donuts though! You will feel better if you cut out a good…
  • My current split is: Day 1 - Shoulders, Chest, Calves, Abs. Day 2 - Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings. Day 3 - Back, Biceps, Abs. Day 4 - REST. Day 5 - Shoulders, Triceps, Calves, Abs. Day 6 - Hamstrings, Glutes. Day 7 - REST. But this is specifically designed for me and my weak points - if there are particular things you're…
  • Extra lean ground turkey breast, chicken breast, egg whites, brown rice, broccoli, bell peppers, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, strawberries, and bananas!