

  • all good-its good to have a variety-all of them have the same basic moves then others mixed in. Its good to have the option to do a shorter one for those days when you are short on time/motivation. I like them because they are not too hard and exhausting at the end (or beginning) of the day but they really are effective.…
  • I highly recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDS and her walk club web site. you do not need much space-the workout seems easy- but it really really works.
  • got a banana? better than a power bar before workouts
  • thank you for sharing your story. The hardest thing to do after a loss is stand up and find the attitude to embrace life -having the strength to make that decision couldnt have been easy but it helps the rest of us keep our courage up- as I'm sure it will many times over for your Wife all the best
  • DrLark.com -a great resource for women's health. She is a woman doctor who creates supplements specifically for women. i take energy vitalizer during stressful times-it is amazing how much it helps-mentally and physically. i only need half a dose though. there is another one callled metabo x that lowers cortisol and…
  • please please please -just consider this information and be careful- http://healthmad.com/weight-loss/the-problem-of-restricting-calories-too-much/